About 30 students took part in a version of the internet dance craze in St Hilda's College library.
About 30 students took part in a version of the internet dance craze in St Hilda's College library in February.
The book, which has been exhibited overseas on only three previous occasions, is normally kept on show in carefully-controlled conditions in a specially-built case in the Trinity College library.
Al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi logged on four times at a college library in New Jersey where they purchased airline tickets for AA 77 and later confirmed their reservations on Aug. 30.
He had no mechanical ability, but his wife, Edith, whom he met at Brandeis, recalls that when they went to the college library Walt would spend time scanning architecture magazines.
At the college library one day, he read a journal article by the late Jay Bailey , a Caltech chemical engineer who was trying to use genetic engineering to fashion "designer" bacteria to produce drugs, agricultural products and industrial chemicals.
The Talladega murals, which initially attracted wide attention, may be Woodruff's most accomplished works, yet despite their visual strength and narrative power, they have been little known during the nearly seven decades since their installation in the lobby of the college library.
The college's Angus Library contains over 70, 000 books, pamphlets, journals, church records and letters.
BBC: University of Oxford awarded ?500,000 for Angus Library
Now an English college is cannibalizing its library and cashing out, to pay for some building renovations.
Why buy a science lecture when you can download a syllabus from NASA, the Discovery Channel or PBS for free, or plug into Swarthmore College's math education library?
According to his autobiographical letter Confessio, thought to have been written around 450 AD and first published in the early 9th Century (the Book of Amagh, containing the earliest copy believed to exist, is in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin), an angel appeared in a dream urging him to flee from his enslavement.
The offence is alleged to have taken place in Siddique's home, the Glasgow Metropolitan College, Glasgow Airport and Ibrox Public Library.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Tayside and Central | Terror accused excused appearance
These are the Wellcome Library, King's College London, the Churchill Archive Centre Cambridge, University of Glasgow, University College London and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Recently I invited Ted Spencer of the University of Michigan and Eric Furda of the University of Pennsylvania to join me in the Forbes library for a discussion on college admissions.
Two hours later a backpack-toting, clean-cut young man wearing jeans and a T shirt shows up at the door, looking every bit like a college kid on his way to the library.
In college, when I trotted from the library down to 110th Street at 3 a.m. before midterms, I fueled up not on dainty Canadian rounds but on sturdy Columbia Hot Bagels, buttery and cheap.
The Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies (CAWCS) will work in collaboration with Oxford University, King's College London, Bangor University and the National Library of Wales on the "archaeological background of the emergence of the Celtic languages in western Europe".
BBC: Celtic heritage: Project wins funding to explore origins
The seven received their degrees at the annual Encaenia ceremony at the Bodleian Library in Oxford, after parading from Brasenose College through the city street.
" In a statement, the college said that police at the college had had "five contacts" with Mr. Loughner last year "for classroom and library disruptions.
The college became known instead for its Bunting Institute for female scholars, artists and archivists, and for the Schlesinger Library, whose collection is devoted exclusively to American women's history.
Similar inventiveness distinguishes the "racial harmony" panels: "The Underground Railroad" (white men helping runaway slaves to escape), "Opening Day at Talladega College" (newly freed slaves bartering animals and produce for tuition) and "The Building of Savery Library" (blacks and whites laboring together).