The combination produces a combined 438 horsepower, with smooth transitions between battery-powered mode and conventional mode.
Despite conventional wisdom about the danger of shark attacks, diving with threshers is relatively safe.
Coeur uses conventional means to process the ore, first blasting it from open pits and tunnels.
The Advantix cameras are based on a hybrid digital-and-conventional technology called APS, for Advanced Photography System.
So on the face of it, this latest analysis is a vote for conventional methods above organic.
In some countries if not in all, organic farms tend to be smaller than their conventional neighbours.
While the money sits in the conventional IRA it compounds tax-free, as it does in the Roth.
It's a conventional choice because she is arguably one of the best-qualified candidates for the job.
Peter Strugatz and Miranda Magagnini co-founded IceStone with hopes of re-defining conventional business philosophy.
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When building a company from the ground up, conventional wisdom says to always think long term.
She uses it in matching sweater-and-leggings sets in less conventional baby colors like lime green.
The government has a very strong case, on conventional economic grounds, to block the merger.
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At times like these, conventional wisdom tells us to take emotion out of the decision making.
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If Fordham had played UMass the conventional way, it would have lost by thirty points.
So when you pull that kind of leadership out of conventional Army units, it absolutely hurts.
Pegasus has carrying Canadian crude, but it was conventional crude, not the type assailed by opponents.
While Friend fought conventional wisdom in the lab, he waged a similar battle at Cambridge.
Cohen sees a place for both conventional and oversize cards, especially for people in creative fields.
The conventional answer is simple: go straight to the top and secure backing for your idea.
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In the gaudy world of gambling, the conventional wisdom is: Never bet against Steve Wynn.
Tampa Bay Rays manager Joe Maddon has spent his managerial career fighting against the conventional wisdom.
Why go back to that old conventional way of just going after discretionary domestic spending?
Norwood is accustomed to going against the conventional wisdom when creating brilliant, new surgical techniques.
The B-2 is also a multi-role bomber capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear munitions.
No virtual-reality helmet is required, as it might be if conventional surgery were being simulated.
But for those with the conventional wiring of the nervous system, nothing is quite like short-selling.
The new conventional wisdom: People will pay, as long as you make it frictionless enough.
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Private insurance plans that cover conventional sinus surgery are likely to cover the balloon version, too.
The conventional wisdom is that Italians do not care about what their politicians do in private.
The planet is endowed with plentiful sources of natural gas and oil, conventional and unconventional.