He said it will probably depend upon how the bill looks in its final form.
Worst hit would be the industrial cities, where orders depend upon demand from energy companies.
This is information that the po-po depend upon when doing criminal investigations, after all.
FORBES: Verizon Plans To Put Location-Tracking Warning Sticker on Phones
The policies we actually advance will, to a great extent, depend upon our prior prejudices.
FORBES: The Problem With US Unemployment Is That It Is Now Like European Unemployment
It is no longer necessary for retailers to depend upon multiplying their physical sales outlets.
It does rather depend upon when, exactly, the deal was done and prices at that time.
FORBES: Glencore's Barter Arrangement With Iranian Nuclear Firm
Necessary profitability for repayment is likely to depend upon large additional subsidies from economically-strapped Spain.
FORBES: President Obama's Green Jobs Pretense Is An Unmitigated Fiasco
The charges depend upon the number of transactions as well as the dollar value of transactions.
Sustainable public advocacy will depend upon bold goals and clear plans that warrant substantial investments.
Mr Fitzgerald's precise results should not be taken too literally, because they depend upon his assumptions.
Consumers, businesses, truckers, and educators depend upon Rand McNally to help navigate today's world. www.
Mali's stability may depend upon some kind of autonomy arrangement for the Tuareg north.
Some of them appear to be practicing as if their lives depend upon it.
Instead, they largely depend upon the determinations of a judge in the preliminary stages of the litigation.
FORBES: Supreme Court Could Impose New Restrictions On Class Actions
"Any noise mitigation proposals will depend upon available funding, and other priorities in the area, " she added.
BBC: A419 campaigners want 'noisy' road surface to be replaced
World history demonstrates that the more uncivilized societies become, the more they depend upon governments to regulate behavior.
But as Paul Krugman has pointed out, all of this does depend upon paying more than other people.
FORBES: Of Course Costco Supports A Higher Minimum Wage: It Already Pays Above It
Harvard University is a private institution that does not depend upon government funds for its operation or tuition.
FORBES: Colleges And Universities Should Operate More Like Businesses
The rich world food production systems depend upon the agricultural commodity giants like Cargill, ADM, Bunge and Dreyfus.
In order to persuade sources to reveal information hidden from view, they depend upon assurances of absolute confidentiality.
Then they take care of people who are often desperately ill, and who depend upon their expertise for help.
FORBES: Will the Sequester Cause Oncologists to Lose Money Prescribing Chemotherapy?
They want jobs, and so do other Americans who depend upon oil-fueled industries.
FORBES: Pipeline Politics: Keystone XL Vs. Green Fuelishness XXXL
Small businesses who depend upon customers that have disposable income will be devastated.
No, this is about CO2 that is essential to grow plants we and other creatures depend upon to live.
And what our relationship looks like going forward with Iraq will depend upon our negotiations with the Iraqi government.
Our safety and way of life depend upon our critical infrastructure as well as the strength of our economy.
In any other industry investment would depend upon exhaustive surveys and focus groups.
Jobs, wages, living standards, our national security, and the fiscal solvency of the federal government all depend upon GDP growth.
FORBES: It's Growth, Stupid: Why Newt Gingrich Is Leading In The Polls
Online newspapers, online magazines, this very website, all depend upon being able to tell advertisers who is visiting the site.
But what we attempt to do about perceived problems does very much depend upon what has really caused those problems.
FORBES: Labour's Share Of The National Income Is Falling: But Is It Being Measured The Right Way?