In this way, the MCM adheres to the Hippocratic Oath of development: first, do no harm.
And we will do no harm to the parts of our system that are working.
The ethical principle at the heart of this policy is simple: Do No Harm.
Part of Thain's job, like that of a good physician, is to do no harm.
At the minimum the Obama Administration needs to do no harm in this situation.
In essence, they were recommending a high-tech Hippocratic oath: First, do no harm (to the Internet).
These reforms are also built on the most fundamental of medical tenets: do no harm.
Doctors can continue to do no harm, while researchers brace themselves for exciting, and unsettling, times to come.
And our belief is based on the fundamental ethical precept of medicine is that we first do no harm.
One of the first rules in diplomacy--economic or otherwise--is to do no harm.
To do no harm going forward, we must be able to learn from the harm we have already done.
In the past, his enthusiasms, even when unsupported by data, have usually fulfilled the Hippocratic oath to do no harm.
Yet Do No Harm applies not just to health care providers but to radio personalities, their producers and everyone else.
"I would just say 'do no harm' is the first principle if you're healthy, " Mr. Kristol said in an interview.
You know, the dictum is - like it is in medicine - is you first do no harm when you get there.
Fortunately, this eminently sensible advice to "do no harm" has recently been echoed by two highly influential, yet politically divergent editorial pages.
And perhaps a bit of competition among them would do no harm.
Unlike obesity, though, small families do no harm to the individuals involved.
The Do No Harm principle is a bedrock of ethics courses every would-be medical, nursing, dental and pharmacy student must take to graduate.
They fear that by blurring the boundary between health and disease, DSM-V loses sight of a doctor's first duty: to do no harm.
As physicians and scientists, we must first do no harm as we seek ways to improve the health of the nation and world through biomedical research.
Our advances in knowledge over the years clearly support efforts to improve the process, but we need to be particularly careful that we do no harm.
People are telling their stories of weight bias in medical care on websites like First, Do No Harm, This Is Thin Privilege and Obesity Surgery Gone Wrong.
Markel does point out that the phrase "first, do no harm" does not appear in the Hippocratic Oath, but says the spirit of a physician's profession remains straightforward.
The many is itself composed of lots of fews, some of whom may do things that strike the others as objectionable but which do no harm to them.
"Our main concern always was to take an ethical stance and to do no harm to any revenue streams of programme makers or broadcasters, " Roger Evans told the BBC.
While issuers gripe, worried that their new products may never launch and their old may products may never evolve, the SEC seems emboldened to do no harm and little else.
Still, the fact that some or even a lot of people intentionally cause harm every day does not mean that Do No Harm is an unrealistic guideline for living responsibly.