At first, such a pledge sounds dryly resolute, like the plot synopsis for a science documentary.
But, as Ms Magaloni dryly comments, Mexicans have lost their capacity to react to scandal.
" To which the editor dryly wrote back: "This is an eloquent case for capital punishment.
The two other singers shifted roles accordingly as a narrator dryly recited facts reflecting the atrocities committed.
One night, he recounts dryly, he scanned the diary to read that his wife had called Dr. Jack Kevorkian.
"He's observing a self-denying ordinance, " noted panel chairman, Spectator editor Fraser Nelson dryly.
"These achievements do not always produce sensational headlines, " he notes dryly.
What could seem dryly academic becomes more accessible in his hands.
Asset Management, a hedge fund in San Francisco, says dryly.
In a country where risk-averse Communist Party mayors dryly read out public addresses, Newsom, among other things, delivered a crisp, number-laden speech on energy policy seemingly without even notes.
The movie is funny in a dryly sardonic way about movie-colony rituals and easy sex, but the funk of a noodling movie star is hardly a revelation of the absurdity of the human condition or whatever Coppola was getting at.
There in the family room, where the great plasma TV screen stared blankly and the morning Globe lay, still in its plastic wrapper, where it had been tossed onto the sofa unread, Lynne kissed dryly, tentatively, as if testing her lipstick.
It is the site of the dryly entitled but fascinating Laboratory for Communication Between Humans and Interactive Media, which is the domain of a genial, enthusiastic professor called Clifford Nass who studies how people and machines get on, particularly when the machines talk to the people.
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