Express your views in a way that is easily understood by the general public and MPs.
Culp, now 49, is able to smile, frown and talk, and her speech is easily understood, Siemionow said.
Sales took off, largely by word of mouth but aided by the bottle's easily understood, bold label design.
With information more easily understood by the reader, our maps became more effective in encouraging people to walk.
Palmer says that the basics of the way the game is played should also be easily understood by gamers.
We tend to focus on the jobs picture, which is most easily understood by looking at the unemployment rate.
Few military personnel have enough fluency with Iraqi Arabic to be easily understood, and field translators are in short supply.
Mr Abraham also argued that the new system would be simpler and more easily understood by the electorate, which could increase turnout.
Mr. Buffett has said he values powerful brands and easily understood businesses.
Mr Abraham will argue this system will be simpler and more easily understood by the electorate, which could increase turnout at local elections.
Ministers also want best-before and use-by guidelines - mandatory under European law where health and safety is concerned - to be more easily understood.
If the conduct of hostile bureaucrats and Democratic partisans, reprehensible as it is, can at least be easily understood, the behavior of the FBI is less comprehensible.
He coaches auditors to use action verbs such as "verify" and "confirm" and tells them to write below a 12th-grade reading level so it can be easily understood.
If road pricing is to be made politically acceptable, both the methods of charging and the use of the revenues must be easily understood and made totally transparent.
Then came Sept. 11, a blow to the economy and stocks but a shared national experience and an easily understood explanation for the continuing recession and 2002 stock dip.
Exams should produce qualifications whose value is easily understood.
He presented a compelling and easily understood case that Lay and Skilling knowingly lied to the investing public about Enron's financial condition, when they were well aware the company's finances were crumbling.
Obama should have passionately made his case to the American public about health care in simple, easily understood terms, much as Steve Jobs at Apple has gotten people excited about the iPad.
The bottom line is that an elevator pitch is extremely important and worth taking the time to develop so it is easily understood and projects exactly what it is that you do.
Google's Cloud Platform Developer Relations team is spearheading a project called the Data Sensing Lab, which utilizes a network of Arduino sensors to collect ambient data and translate it into easily understood visualizations.
For example, the links between a company desirous of going public and its lead merchant bank, underwriters, stock exchange and credit rating agencies--as well as the fees they earn--are well established and easily understood.
The true solution is to create a quantifiable, easily understood formula for determining BCS rankings where every team and fan in the country can understand and determine for themselves where their team should be ranked.
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But it was all delivered in the militaristic speak of "light, medium and heavy ordnance" - a language familiar to the general but not easily understood by others - especially those listening in at Ulster Unionist headquarters.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Analysis: Why deal stalled
As private equity firms become more public in the months and years to come, hopefully adequate steps will be taken to explain the methodology and operation of private equity in a language that is easily understood by investors and savers.
It is the sort of easily understood message that has increased Mr Farage's profile - as has his Boris Johnson-esque political maverick style, such as recently laughing off David Cameron's jibe that UKIP had some pretty odd people in it.
At the present moment, the ace of the Detroit Tigers leads all pitchers in Major League Baseball in the commonly accepted and easily understood statistics such as Wins (23), Strikeouts (238), Innings Pitched (226.1), and Walks Plus Hits Per Innings Pitched (.915).
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At the same time, while certain CSR issues like environmental sustainability, diversity and community development are easily understood as a win-win for communities and business, the overall impact of responsible business practices tends to be more complicated and harder to communicate to stakeholders.
Oh, AIG is a bit more of a problem, but forbidding them from issuing things like credit default swaps to avoid regulation by the insurance regulators and the insurance regulators forbidding them from insuring financial transactions that are not easily understood and rated would go a long way.
Journalists and bloggers in a hurry might find themselves drawn to use of the phrase as a handy, easily-understood reference point.