But any reorganisation would be ugly, from a financial as well as an ecclesiastical perspective.
The Greek Church has warmed to the mosque idea but some senior ecclesiastical figures remain opposed.
Pag needle-point lace was originally used to make ecclesiastical garments, tablecloths and ornaments for clothing.
SmartWater is being sent to every Anglican church covered by Ecclesiastical Insurance, totalling more than 16, 500 churches.
First, individuals must complete religious education and secondly, they must receive an ecclesiastical endorsement from an approved body.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Waller testimony on terrorist infiltration
Michael Tripp, of Ecclesiastical Insurance which insures about 1700 churches, told BBC Breakfast the problem was of "epidemic" proportions.
So, in effect, do a few ecclesiastical spires: Each firm's charitable programs benefit churches (the town's church-to-bar ratio is 29:2).
In return for the labor, Fey lent him books on ecclesiastical art.
FORBES: How An Art Forger Duped The Nazis By Counterfeiting The Middle Ages [Book Excerpt]
They will also see a video called Faith Secured, produced by the Home Office and Churchwatch - the ecclesiastical version of the Neighbourhood Watch.
Yet beneath the formal structures of ecclesiastical authority, the expression of religious feeling was increasingly laicised and its doctrinal base became progressively more heterodox.
He first entered the States of Guernsey in 1997, and currently also serves on the Parochial Ecclesiastical Rates Review Committee and the Emergency Powers Authority.
BBC: Guernsey's Deputy Chief Minister fails to get re-elected
"To invite or permit a cleric to officiate without a proper licence or permission to officiate is an ecclesiastical offence, " it said in a statement.
Despite the fall, Katri Link from Ecclesiastical Insurance said it was still "hugely depressing" that metal thieves had no respect or regard for sacred buildings.
But Archbishop Welby was making a related though different qualitative point - to the effect that the UK is in one helluva mess (to use an ecclesiastical term).
The public has been invited to raise any concerns at a hearing of the Ecclesiastical Court at the St Peter Port constables' office on 20 January.
After she is captured, Joan, although having no theological training, holds her own--often with a tart tongue--against a daunting array of Church officials during her ecclesiastical trial.
"The pope does not need anybody's permission to make exceptions to how ecclesiastical law relates to him, " noted conservative columnist Jimmy Akin in the National Catholic Register.
As far back as September, he was confiding to visitors that he was longing for a life of theological reflection and prayer nd weary of high ecclesiastical politics.
To the uninitiated, this deliberation might appear approximately as consequential as the rarified ecclesiastical debates of the Middle Ages over the angel-packing capacity of the heads of pins.
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The procession begins early in the morning in the courtyard of the ancient abbey, in the presence of the highest ecclesiastical authorities in the country and of many other countries.
This year the provincial administration persuaded the ecclesiastical authorities to collaborate in marking the month of May, traditionally dedicated to the Virgin Mary, with a celebration that combined pagan and Catholic ritual.
ECONOMIST: Letter from Magna Graecia: Dear George?.?.?. | The
Sponsored by the specialist church insurers the Ecclesiastical Insurance Group, the meeting at St Paul's Church Hall in Llandudno, is followed by another gathering at the United Reformed Church in Cardiff on 6 September.
It is understood it is the first time a serving minister of a foreign government has given an address to the staff and students of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy, the British Embassy to the Holy See said.
The ecclesiastical loophole was that the Church allowed modest "compensation" over and above the amount due on a loan for the hazards and delays of repayment or any legitimate reason providing it was not intrinsic to the contract.
Securing important ecclesiastical commissions in the medieval Upper Silesian towns of Oppeln and Neisse, Fey und Sohn were in urgent need of an assistant by 1936, when a twenty-four-year-old house painter named Lothar Malskat came asking for work.
FORBES: How An Art Forger Duped The Nazis By Counterfeiting The Middle Ages [Book Excerpt]
The church has always been portrayed by Fellini in satirical terms (remember the "ecclesiastical fashion show" in "Roma, " with priests on roller skates?), but not spitefully, for Fellini seems never to have had a malicious bone in his body.
WSJ: 8?: A Flawed Filmmaker's Life Turned Into Art by Peter Cowie
As there is no precedent in modern times for the resignation of a pope, ecclesiastical lawyers are having to re-examine very carefully the rules for papal elections laid down in past centuries and updated most recently by Pope Benedict himself, our correspondent explains.