In retrospect, I was a sad little boy and a standard-issue, shiftless, egotistical, dejected teen-ager.
Our correspondent said one police officer had even accused Mr Ghaffur of "egotistical self-indulgence".
Ms Deneuve's character is as haughty and egotistical as she is unapologetically left wing.
His egotistical and destructive behavior had gotten him removed from the Lisa development team several years earlier.
Depression arises initially from emotional insecurity and is perpetuated by egotistical aspiration placing excessive demands upon the emotions.
The African Union, never a friend of the ICC, said Mr Moreno-Ocampo was egotistical and prejudiced against Africa.
As for the Thatcher museum and library, this is a characteristically egotistical Thatcherite project at odds with British tradition.
FORBES: Thatcher's Last Wish: Another Clunker From The Iron Lady
It ripples with stories, anecdotes, set-piece monologues, crafty egotistical tall tales, and hapless adventures: Kushner is never not telling a story.
In potted histories, Miss Leavitt's story is often shaped into that of the female who was thwarted by her egotistical male superiors.
He admits his driving force was "quite egotistical" in wanting his name in the record books, but said he also had other motivations.
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In fact, I think Windows RT and Surface RT were launched first to satisfy some egotistical goal of providing that they could do it.
Julianne Moore plays the poor Irish beauty Barbara Daly, who, in the thirties, marries Brooks Baekeland (Stephen Dillane), a passively egotistical heir to a great fortune.
Drop The Dead Donkey star Neil Pearson features in Trevor's World of Sport, about a decent sports agent to struggles to meet the demands of his egotistical clients.
While there is an undeniable amount of egotistical cachet in driving a brand new car home from a dealership, choosing a pre-owned model is usually the better deal.
The main man in the national team, Davids seems to have found the ability to hold his more egotistical urges in check without compromising his dominance on the pitch.
Christi Johnson responded: "I completely agree, " but raised the issue that maybe self-promotion is an integral part of professional life, if only women can get past viewing it as egotistical.
The Clinton campaign was a nest of hissing vipers, in which egotistical operatives such as Mark Penn and Howard Wolfson spent their time pursuing contradictory strategies and leaking to the press.
They ran their businesses for personal enrichment, and were egotistical enough, or delusional enough, to believe what was good for themselves was the same thing as what was good for their companies.
He was also asked about comments by his leadership rival Andy Burnham on Sunday - that there had been too much "egotistical factionalism" at the top of Labour and he wanted to offer a "complete break".
From the egotistical preparations for a night on the pull in 'The Game' through to the self-indulgence of needing and finding "a place to wallow" (on the appropriately named 'Wallow'), there is a great deal of thought devoted to number one.
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The tale rings true: it feels authentic because, unlike what you read in most management textbooks, the people in this book are the mixed bag that you find in any real-life workplace: educated, intelligent and at times collaborative but also opinionated, egotistical, jealous and proud.
Every Breath You Take, written during the break-up of Sting's marriage, is a portrait of a stalker, Stairway To Heaven a confused jumble of Celtic magic and Wordsworth, and My Way, while possessed of a certain elegiac quality, is the most egotistical piece of braggadocio ever pressed onto vinyl.