For mile after mile, expropriated farmland seems empty of cattle or infested with weeds.
And its a charge that is as empty of truth as it has been frequent.
FORBES: Are Speculators Responsible for Today's Higher Oil Prices?
Since the migration will not make its way up here until autumn, it was blissfully empty of other travellers.
My mind was truly empty of everything that had concerned it before I sat.
By May 15, Jakarta's roads were empty of everyday traffic, smoke drifted from burned-out buildings.
Beyond, an unbreakable "Feast of Love table" -- a heart-shaped slab surrounded by chairs, but empty of food and never used.
Both supermarkets had to be handed over empty of stock, so many items that were not sold were donated to charities.
BBC: Guernsey charities given unsold stock as Checkers shuts
Some of the demonstrations were smaller than expected, and most started peacefully in cities whose markets remained closed and streets empty of traffic.
Later, however, he noted that as he passed New York City storefronts at night by car of late, he found them virtually empty of shoppers.
Unlike many books written by professors, this is a good read, light on the numbers and nearly empty of equations and the typical economics fuzziness.
Is going on Oprah, the pinnacle of talk show hosts, a way to satisfy his addiction, to recharge batteries empty of the juices of adulation?
As for segments on the nightly news, he may not be a worse public speaker than Mr Gore, but his speeches remain idiosyncratically empty of soundbites.
United States and international food aid organizations have been slow to react to the crisis that has kept the shelves empty of milk even in oil-rich Venezuela.
Almost all of Caracas' streets empty of people by dusk as residents live under the pall of a homicide rate 20 times that of the United States.
In the first incident, the battery fire occurred in a Japan Airlines 787 that had already landed at Boston's Logan International Airport and was empty of passengers.
But its perverse incentives also led to factories churning out stuff no one wanted, while shops were empty of the things they craved, from fresh meat to fridges.
So much cricket is now being played around the world that series are piling on series and meaningless match-ups are leaving many cricket grounds empty of fans for international games.
At this hour the circular drive in front was empty of buses and carpooling Suburbans, so she was able to lurch to a stop just steps away from the front door.
Across much of New England, streets were empty of cars and dotted instead with children who had never seen so much snow and were jumping into snow banks and making forts.
"If we only redid the sanctuary, it would have been a beautifully restored building that was empty most of the time, instead of a dilapidated building that was empty most of the time, " he said.
In April 1992, equipped with little more than a .22 calibre rifle and a 10lb bag of rice, he headed into the Big Empty of the Alaska wilderness, near Fairbanks, not far from Mount McKinley.
The document urges him to grant King Henry VIII an annulment of his first marriage. (When the pope wouldn't do so, Henry founded the Church of England, which did.) The 1654 deed of abdication of Sweden's Queen Christina, who left her Protestant nation's throne to join the church of Rome, is tied to over 300 round containers, many today empty of wax.
WSJ: Lux in Arcana | Capitoline Museum | The Papacy's Private Papers | By Francis X. Rocca
Walking to their conference rooms, they take me through large swaths of empty spaces of uninhabited floors where cubes once filled with busy people used to be.
So whether you see the blossoms or the vomit, a half full cup of sake or a half empty can of beer, the future of Japan is in the hands of the Japanese, not the New Economy gurus we read about in TIME, Newsweek and Fortune.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Letter from Japan: Economic Binge
It was only later, when upon the white flash of another high sea hurling itself amidships, Jukes had a vision of two pairs of davits leaping black and empty out of the solid blackness, with one overhauled fall flying and an iron-bound block capering in the air, that he became aware of what had happened within about three yards of his back.
FORBES: Has Sandy Capsized Your Life? Here's One Thing To Be Thankful For
It's all very sort of exciting, for the dead, empty cold of February.
WSJ: NFL Combine: Football Is Back! (Wait: Already?)��Jason Gay
With more governments around the world planning for nuclear power and Niger producing some 3, 500 tonnes of uranium a year, the apparently empty wastes of northern Niger are suddenly worth fighting over.