Bonus: a chance to spot the elusive and endangered blue sheep, unique to this mountain range.
In any scientific dispute spawned by the Endangered Species Act, the government almost always wins.
Calvert, of Mostyn, Flintshire, admitted arson and being reckless as to whether life would be endangered.
Endangered elements will also be eligible for financial assistance from the Fund established to this end.
Cloning extinct or endangered species should come as no surprise in the annals of anthropogenic busywork.
Take a deeper look at HP, says Fiorina, and you will see something sick and endangered.
My Wife's career has endangered our marriage from all points except the financial side.
Around the same time, the plantation started becoming home to a growing number of endangered species.
These days, however, while the species remains endangered, their numbers have grown to nearly 800.
"She's considered an endangered juvenile who may have been a runaway and possibly abducted, " Anderson said.
They are Utah prairie dogs, a species listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
The Bengal tiger is the national symbol of India and an endangered species around the world.
Built in 1890, Pilgrim had been on the list of the nation's most endangered religious buildings.
The court said states needed to provide exceptions if a woman's health is endangered.
The Liberal Democrats have complained that languages are becoming "an endangered species" in universities.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Big fall in university languages
Conservationists in Cambridgeshire are celebrating after the birth of a "rare and endangered" white-collared lemur.
The charity will also contribute to conservation projects working with endangered species throughout the world.
Previously, global warming was just part of an undistinguished green lineup with pollution and endangered species.
With an escape this wild, the only thing endangered might be your domesticated day-to-day life.
Patil says protecting this endangered population needs to be a priority for the country.
So both the traditional and non-traditional business lines of the defense unit were endangered.
The dingo is not endangered but interbreeding with domestic dogs is a major problem.
Rebecca Brown, from Russell Jones and Walker Solicitors, said the patient's health could have been "endangered".
But they're endangered, so it's pretty remarkable that the Nashville Zoo successfully bred one in captivity.
The animals, which are endangered in the wild, are part of a European breeding programme.
Since 1998 the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species has covered Caspian sturgeon.
In British Columbia, a traditional stronghold, it looks set to become an endangered species.
ECONOMIST: The province��s New Democrats head for extinction
She is listed as a missing and possibly endangered person from the Miami area.
Eszterhas recounts times that he, his wife, and his 15-year-old son felt endangered in Gibson's presence.
Now the most genetically unique wolf in the United States is also the most endangered.