He might eventually secure a talk show, or an infallible sitcom, or simply tour endlessly.
Are we to be the Hamlet of nations, debating endlessly over when and how to act?
In 2010, Tebow prepared for the draft as experts debated endlessly where he should go.
Endlessly energetic and talkative, Roth, 63, inspires both fear and love among staffers and competitors.
Core MBA courses train business leaders to endlessly work towards maximizing these short-term returns.
FORBES: Rethinking the MBA: What is the Purpose of Management Education?
Our only issue: Quizzes didn't end but repeated questions endlessly, without giving a final score.
Gupta must also endlessly prove himself to critics and customers with each new artist and show.
It is an image endlessly reproduced, but one that never loses its power to excite.
They've bought cheap "Virtual Analog" digital synths like Korg's incredibly popular (and endlessly complained-about) MicroKorg.
Funnels are leaky, and social media is a beast endlessly hungry for great content.
FORBES: The Most Common B-to-B Social Media Question (And the Answer)
Does she stick around for a potential money making exit that supports an endlessly comfortably lifestyle?
FORBES: True Tales Of Love And Startups: The Girlfriend Chronicles
He uses his three corporate jets endlessly, having logged over 250, 000 air miles last year.
The water-gate brouhaha began on Twitter, spread across the Web and was replayed endlessly on television.
CNN: When a sip of water gets more attention than a president
Or are you going to scroll endlessly through the program guide until you finally give up?
It is in those states and those cities that America is endlessly renewing itself.
Many investors convinced themselves that these regions could produce dazzling returns endlessly into the future.
True experts are tested, have failed, have learned and have repeated the process endlessly.
"Women tend to give their power away when they 'chat, ' go on and on endlessly, " Starr says.
Economists argue endlessly about when recessions end, but deciding when a recovery starts is much less precise.
Even with my broken Arabic, his mix of wit, facial expressions and physical humor amused me endlessly.
Applying the ethic, "If it bleeds, it leads, " they have been hyping the story endlessly and breathlessly.
The international tax affairs of Vodafone have been endlessly argued over in the past few years.
I've been endlessly tweeting Imran Khan, for example, and he has finally come out to denounce it.
When Gladstone spent the small hours declaiming endlessly to its members (and even listening to their replies)?
In one sense, those excess reserve dollars are trapped at the Fed, like asteroids endlessly circling the Sun.
FORBES: Excess Reserves Are The $1 Trillion Reminder Of Crisis
Yet, this advice is repeated endlessly by experts, magazines, weight loss gurus and millions of Americans believe it.
WSJ: The Experts: What role should government play in combatting obesity?
Club members described him as endlessly energetic and a joyous companion on the trail and around the campfire.
British troops rotate every six months (American army units every 12, down from 15), and change tactics endlessly.
Fans may debate which they prefer, but both sound endlessly suitable for wedding-themed mix CDs the world over.
He tinkered with price controls, tried retroactive taxation and Supreme Court packing, and endlessly fiddled with gold prices.