For contractors itching to erect some buildings, the best opportunities last year were in multi-family residential.
"It's wrong to erect a building of that size in that space, " he says.
He had a permit to erect a five-story building, but built three additional stories illegally.
There, knights gathered in effort and equality to erect a vast empire that changed history.
Ultimately democratic nations will balance these costs in deciding whether to erect new walls.
Now there is a movement to erect a no-doubt-authentic monument to Adams in Washington.
While some owners erect luxurious closets as a retreat, others can't resist showing them off.
The moral of it all is: keep cool, stand erect, and wear a kindly face.
Now the barriers they had sought to erect between philosophy and science began to crumble.
The settlement also included a provision that securities firms erect a firewall separating analysts from investment-banking operations.
We have ideas about how they transported them, and some of the techniques they might have used to erect them.
At least eight Doric temples still stand roofless but erect in Sicily, and six others in spectacular ruins.
But warehouses take only six months to erect, so industrial REITs can quickly turn off the development pipeline.
Ofcom and Jeremy Hunt are also likely to erect a second obstacle in the way of the takeover.
BBC: Scandal could influence Ofcom over News Corp's BSkyB bid
To begin with, there is the issue of how much AFRICOM will cost to erect and to maintain.
Castro disagreed, saying the current government could not erect the same building in the less than 15 years.
Juwi Renewable Energy wants to erect 23, 500 solar panels on 45 acres of farmland in Morebath, near Dulverton.
This time, another girl was picked on because she sits in a certain pose, with her spine erect.
On transporter erector-launchers, they simply erect it, fire off a ballistic missile, put it down, cover it up.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Get On With It: Time To Deploy Sea-Based Missile Defenses
Only in 1995, when the church had grown to 10, 000 worshippers per weekend, did Warren erect Saddleback's own building.
They'd erect a modest shack and use the property a month each year to fish, ride horses and read.
Sainsbury's plans state the chain wants to erect a food store with customer cafe, car parking, access and landscaping.
That will take about a year to do, which gives California's Pistachio Commission time to erect some more roadblocks.
True standardization would require all teams to erect such catwalks or outlaw domes.
FORBES: Q: Why are major league baseball fields not standard in size?
Van Hoene says that it may erect or buy another 500-1, 000 megawatts of wind in the next five years.
It said that by following their movements, it aimed to "erect better defenses to block them" in the future.
This is the wreckage upon which America now proposes to erect a beacon of hope for the Arab world.
Permits to erect homes, an indicator of future building, fell in October to the lowest level in 14 years.
The Fertittas are planning to erect casinos on nine sites in coming years.
It will be up to the CMOs to decide which fire walls to lift and which new ones to erect.
FORBES: The Most Important Job Facing CMOs: Creating A More Transparent Business Model