This is an excuse from someone who does not understand networking at all.
"There should be no excuse from the trust boards, from the nurses and doctors and care assistants providing care directly or from the population in general, " she told Today presenter James Naughtie.
During high school, he got a doctor's note to excuse him from physical education.
CNN: Weight losers combat fear of exercise, schoolyard torment
He might excuse himself from cases involving that firm just so he can avoid a conflict of interest.
If that starts to happen, know who is going to excuse themselves from the conversation to freshen their drink.
Unless you have taken a vow of poverty, being a minister does not excuse you from the custom of tipping.
Emotional outbursts aren't viewed favorably in most workplaces, which is why you should just excuse yourself from meetings or work if you feel emotionally overwhelmed.
WSJ: Cultivating Your 'Soft Skills' Can Help You Get Ahead in Your Job
For those who use the label "fear monger" to excuse themselves from intellectually engaging in the missile defense debate, it is time to examine the facts.
The Kenyan government was worried that cheap hooch was making people seriously ill, so it offered to excuse Diageo from excise duty if it produced a cut-price beer.
The irony is that the trial is being held in the courtroom of a federal district judge, Robert Potter, who declined to excuse himself from the case despite the fact that he led a citizens' anti-busing campaign before he joined the bench.
There's no sign of an Android version just yet, but we doubt your personal trainer will buy that as an excuse to stray from your workout regimen.
But as multiple judges and juries across the country determined, that does not excuse the manufacturer from sharing information it knows about just how addictive and death-causing they are.
In his 91-page ruling, Lamb noted that Huntsman had recently reported a string of disappointing quarterly results after the agreement, but nonetheless had not suffered a material adverse effect that would excuse the parties from executing the agreement.
Subsequently, in private conversations, he admitted the real reason: It was not that he was unpersuaded of the merits of the case but was simply determined to prevent the United States from having an excuse to pursue a President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, to which he from the political Right and virtually everyone on the European Left vehemently objected.
So neither side now has I believe the excuse to stand aside from talks.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama & Prime Minister Cameron Joint Press Availability | The White House
Forget the criminal investigation, which will just give knowledgeable witnesses an excuse to withhold cooperation from any congressional inquiry.
FORBES: Did the White House Declassify Information for "Kill List" and Stuxnet Stories?
What kind of message would I be sending them if I used this experience as an excuse for all things from this point forward?
FORBES: Five Years After A Brain Aneurysm, Fear Of Dying Can't Make Me Quit Living
And there is no excuse for keeping information from participants ever.
FORBES: Corporate Sponsors Agree: 401(k) Plan Results Don't Matter (April 8, 2008)
Many Indian officials believe this was merely an excuse to prevent their country from becoming a low-cost competitor for space launches.
My own view is that we should never accept at face value the excuse heard all too often from U.S. negotiators that a defective agreement must be accepted because it was the best we could hope to get.
An accident at the Brazilian port of Ponta da Madeira, in which one of the Valemax ships was damaged while loading its maiden cargo, came as a huge setback to Vale as it gave China an excuse to ban Valemax vessels from its shores on safety grounds.
That might be an excuse for us to get a challenge from somebody in a primary.
But this does not excuse the level of arrogance occasionally spouting from some scientists who complain their words have been changed.
FORBES: Why Scientists and Journalists Don't Always Play Well Together
Last year the Swiss Federal Banking Commission ruled that the banks could not excuse themselves by saying the money came from reputable intermediary banks, or by citing the Abacha family's glowing references.
Let's go now to - excuse me, Tracy - Tracy with us from Portland, Oregon.
Google does too, but its excuse is that it is preventing black hats from gaming the system.
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But this new rule also protects employees by discouraging employers from using health reform as an excuse to cut their benefits or increase their cost sharing.
According to analysts at the World Bank, if you excuse more than 2% of farm products from the tariff cuts, you lose over 75% of the benefits.
While voters often deliver vague or contradictory messages to victorious politicians, critics say that limitation shouldn't be an excuse to exclude broad debates over the economy from the democratic process.
But author and Conservative peer Lord Dobbs accused Mr Clegg of inventing a link between constituency boundaries and Lords reform as an excuse to "exact a little retribution" from his coalition partners.