Nelson is doing studies now to prove that the same effect results from fainting.
My teenage employees were being sent home with nosebleeds, and some of them were even fainting.
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Someone capable of fainting at the glimpse of the ephemeral beauty of blooming poppies, the national flower?
These include shortness of breath or wheezing, weakness, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting or near fainting, and chest pain or discomfort.
Beside another disabled lorry deeper in the bush, a Murle mother and her two children were fainting from thirst.
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After fainting from a decimated immune system at the age of 12, Lane started to understand the gravity of her situation.
Back pain, fainting, muscle aches and dizziness are just some of the problems doctors seem to have a hard time solving.
He was looking for a way to pinpoint the cause of recurrent fainting spells, which are sometimes induced by heart abnormalities.
Adcox said his boss had been hospitalized last month after fainting on a plane flight, but doctors had not found the cause.
The 1974 UK release of the William Friedkin movie starring Linda Blair was marred by reports of cinemagoers suffering fits, fainting and vomiting.
The emergency services has received dozens of calls from people seeking help for heat-related health issues, including dizziness, fainting and vomiting, ABC News reports.
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In clinical trials the gadget was able, two-thirds of the time, to affirm or deny whether a heart rhythm problem had caused a fainting episode.
The monitoring group found a "strong possibility" that the fainting was caused by chemical exposure and cited excessive overtime and insufficient drinking water as other factors.
The monitoring group found a "strong possibility" that the fainting was caused by chemical exposure and cited excessive overtime and insufficient drinking water as contributing factors.
In Cambodia, mass-fainting incidents, in which large groups of workers faint within a short period, have raised concerns about worker malnutrition, excessive heat and poor ventilation of factories.
It could be that Mr Sarkozy's fainting episode in July, after which he was briefly hospitalised, has helped to humanise the hyperactive president in the eyes of French voters.
The magazine said one book gave "potentially dangerous advice on doing a vigorous workout on an empty stomach and with low carbohydrate intake, which could lead to dizziness and fainting".
Robert Cruikshank's 1818 etching "A Dandy Fainting" caricatures a roomful of corseted young gents, presenting them as boneless alien forms akin to Aesop's grasshoppers, playing all day while the ants work.
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There is also a photo of Pope Paul VI stepping off a plane, and another of actress Jayne Mansfield sprawled on a floor after fainting before a battery of flashbulb-popping photographers.
After a fainting spell, a patient would hold a pager-size communicator over his chest and press a button to freeze the recording, so a doctor could upload the data for analysis.
Karen has seen an internist, a neurologist, a neurosurgeon, an anesthesiologist, a cardiologist, a psychiatrist, a psychologist, an electrophysiologist and an integrative medicine specialist, not to mention countless other physicians during three hospital stays, and she's still fainting.
The Spaniard, who won the Open three times and the Masters twice, was admitted to hospital in early October after fainting at Madrid Airport, and subsequently underwent a six-and-a-half hour procedure on 24 October to remove the tumour.
Forecasters say people should limit outdoor activity during the hottest portions of the day, wear lightweight clothing, drink plenty of water and be watchful for signs of heat exhaustion, which include heavy sweating, pale and clammy skin, weak pulse, fainting and vomiting.