BNP's woes highlight the spreading fallout from U.S. homebuyers' rising inability to pay back loans.
The fallout was immediate for Smith and Carlos, who were sent home in disgrace.
Mr. Ammons's announcement came as the campus continues to see fallout from the incident.
But even with the poorly planned--or perhaps unplanned--handling, Murphy had little, if any, career fallout.
And so it's not going to include the fallout from the September 11 events yet.
Perelman told Forbes last year that he still winces from the fallout over the divorce.
And how do other industry participants protect their brands in the wake of the continuing fallout?
The fallout: Skilling was found guilty of 19 of the 28 counts against him.
The popping of them--and the ensuing fallout--is usually a result of government policy mistakes.
As scientists scramble to understand the ecological fallout, a massive research effort is ramping up.
They have gained added force from estimates of the economic fallout that could follow bankruptcy.
"The government may have underestimated the potential fallout in the international financial markets, " says analyst Hu.
Some economies are in a depression and the political fallout from this still lies ahead.
If the euro zone implodes, the fallout will settle most heavily on its own backyard.
With games like "Fallout, " "BioShock, " and "XCOM: Enemy Unknown, " Smith thinks gamers are evolving.
Negotiations toward the decree, part of the fallout from the Rampart scandal, continue today.
CNN: Bush sees U.S. as meddling in local police affairs
Collateral damage from the financial fallout of a busted marriage indeed falls hard on kids.
If Andy Card was not responsible for the decisions, he should have anticipated the political fallout.
Better yet, the pickings have gotten better since the dot-com fallout in 2001 and 2002.
The auditor change numbers PCAOB Chairman Doty quoted during the open meeting yesterday were post-Sarbanes fallout.
Fallout from the European debt crisis could have ripple effect beyond just the southern-tier countries.
And if IBM's financial services do begin to sputter, the fallout won't mean much near-term loss.
The fallout vastly exceeded what would have come down if Bear Stearns had filed for bankruptcy.
The fallout from the Avandia mess had nothing to do with the plaintiffs' bar.
We'll talk about how Americans are reacting and what the political fallout may be.
Whatever the effects of a change in Germany's fiscal policy, the political fallout is predictable.
The authors are not the only ones recently to point to the job fallout from technology.
In short, the financial fallout would have been substantial for many tangential entities and organizations.
FORBES: Tiger's Absence Should Have Little Financial Impact On U.S. Open
The fallout from the health scares is likely to be political as much as economic.
The fallout from Livedoor's spectacular rise and fall has affected Japan's whole financial community.