In 1993, Ruben Cantu was executed in Texas for fatally shooting a man during a robbery.
Malakai McKenzie, was fatally injured outside The Hubb on Sherwood on 21 April 2012.
This time, a little boy, Martin Richards, 8, lay on the sidewalk, fatally injured.
CNN: From backpacks to 'flash-bangs': Boston's week of terror
In an average year more than 100, 000 Americans are shot by guns, more than 30, 000 fatally.
The American Civil Liberties Union has also opposed Cispa, saying the bill was "fatally flawed".
Anthony Power, 78, was found fatally injured in High Hazels Park in Darnall, Sheffield, last October.
But that does not mean that college rankings are, therefore, fatally flawed and unfit for use.
Almost a quarter - 23% of those who responded - feel it is fatally flawed.
Authorities say Mayes fatally shot himself as law enforcement officers were closing in on him.
Another man and a youth were injured in the blast which fatally injured Mr Branagh.
Three Riverside police officers were shot, one fatally, by a man police say was Dorner.
They could weaken the chancellor, perhaps fatally, by turning against Mr Wulff to elect Mr Gauck.
Both the building and the exhibition have been fatally holed below the water line.
Though not accused himself, Mr Najib's prospects may be fatally damaged by the case.
As an elderly man attempted to help him, he was fatally shot in the head.
She was widowed at 40, when the king was fatally injured in a joust.
His predecessor, Georgy Pavlov, also fatally plunged from his seventh story apartment window two weeks ago.
Two days after the dogs were poisoned, Faull was found fatally shot in the head.
Piotr Kulinski, 32, was fatally stabbed during an attack outside his home in Harraby on 14 October.
Tsarnaev was fatally wounded in Watertown, just outside Boston, after police confronted him in a stolen car.
The system proved fatally flawed when the unthinkable happened early this decade and land prices started sliding.
Hitting one of them could fatally damage the shuttle, so NASA has been trying to trap them.
Mr McMurchie, 50, was found fatally wounded in Fintry Terrace at about 4.00am on Sunday 12 August.
In 1911, Russian premier Peter Stolypin was fatally wounded by an assassin at a theater in Kiev.
The soldier was fatally wounded by a colleague after he returned to his base in Helmand province.
The pair were fatally injured in a gun battle on Wednesday while on patrol in Helmand province.
Mr Hudghton said if this practice is introduced it would be "fatally holed below the water line".
BBC: Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee
Roosting bats can get fatally entangled in the fibers, which degrades the roofing membranes, invalidating their guarantees.
In 1963, civil rights leader Medgar Evers was fatally shot in front of his home in Jackson, Mississippi.
At Northampton Crown Court, Mr Monaghan said the incident in which Mr Clary was fatally hurt "happened fast".
BBC: Glenn Clary murder trial: Accused 'did not mean to kill'