And Buick dealers, who have subsisted on scraps for years, are well respected and savvy.
Such work has been going on for years, but only recently has it been automated.
For years, a holiday in the Dominican Republic entailed staying at a walled-in, cookie-cutter resort.
Developed alongside the highly respected CFA Institute, this handy guide will pay dividends for years to come.
For years he has called for paper ballots and he says that time for delay is over.
Gold Coast stalwarts, Crema Espresso (27 Tedder Av) have been roasting on the coast for years.
Dorothy Leo I have been married for 41 years and have had a professional career for 25 years.
Buyers and investors alike agree that a one-time knock on earnings beats a drag that lasts for years.
Meanwhile, Ford shares still trade as if gloom will pursue the company for years to come.
But we also all know the tenured type who has been mailing it in for years.
WSJ: Andy Kessler: Professors Are About to Get an Online Education
Any reference to a dispute resolution mechanism could delay a final answer for years.
Not only are they likely to drag on for years, but they could involve steep fines.
Between the business side and the editorial side, that firewall has been breaking down for years.
For years, you have been sponsoring sports leagues, afterschool programs, summer jobs and more.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks at Meeting to Address Youth Violence | The White House
Thanks to the massive local TV riches they have secured for years to come.
FORBES: Yu's The Man in Texas as Rangers Benefit from $3 Billion Fox Deal
For years, a simple story has been told about a complicated subject: the U.S. patent market.
FORBES: Not So Scary, After All: In Defense Of Patent Trolls
For years, much of the Washington press corps has served as this White House's front-line defense.
Valerie Jarrett is an adviser who has been close to the Obamas for years.
He mulled over what to do with Menars for years before inspiration struck in 1989.
Those types of decisions have given Goldman the edge over its competitors for years.
FORBES: Goldman's Boardroom Meetings -- Less Proprietary Than Computer Code?
Parcher built a thriving practice by defending stars early and sticking with them for years.
Pay outlets have existed for years, like the Smarte Carte kiosks found at many airports.
Famous names like Bill Gates have been calling for more H-1B visas for years now.
FORBES: Top 10 Companies Hiring Immigrants, And What They're Paying
There has been speculation on and off about a free e-reader hitting the market for years.
FORBES: Giving Away the Nook: Barnes & Noble Getting Desperate?
For years, Apple under Steve Jobs, ridiculously lowballed quarterly forecasts on revenues, gross margins and profitability.
The company's 33% return on invested capital, for instance, has outperformed other computer companies for years.
For years Wall Street had been downright hostile to the acquisitive ambitions of Chairman Whitacre.
For years, tech executives have labored under a self-imposed burden of trying to imitate his showmanship.
For years I have stressed that you should be friendly to your on-air hosts.
Donna (not her real name, of course) has been breaking the law for years.