Like recovering junkies, some hopelessly addicted collectors have no choice but to swear off their habits forever.
Once they've got you, I guess they expect you to be their customer forever.
Neubauer's best hope may lie in the forever promising and always perilous Latin America.
It will never be a business and will forever just be an extension of ourselves.
That's the type of feeling you just want to bottle up and take home forever.
This has forever been the case with these Spurs, embodied by their leader, 37-year-old Tim Duncan.
Suppose for some perverse reason the central bank wanted to keep interest rates zero forever.
Talking Heads (800-1): If Roger Goodell reunited the Talking Heads all would be forgiven forever.
The industry believes those leaps in technology will change forever how we use our phones.
Reflecting on his military service, Hagel said his time in the Army shaped him forever.
Researching Manx history is about to change forever with the opening of the iMuseum in Douglas.
To be loved, baby, hard, at once, and forever, to strengthen you against the loveless world.
In January, Uniqlo named Larry Meyer, former Forever 21 executive, to the U.S. COO post.
These take nearly forever to get and involve a proper background check on everyone involved.
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The conflict in Syria will forever alter the lives of an entire generation of children.
Sports branding has gone on forever, but the dollars associated with sports brands today are stunning.
People who have been in combat are changed forever by that experience, as are their families.
America was changed forever by women stepping up and doing that work during the war.
FORBES: Why Is Military Active Duty, "Serving Our Country," But Parenting Active Duty, "Opting Out"?
So unless we can hitch a ride on some souped-up neutrinos, 2011 is gone forever.
But in that time my life changed forever, and there is no way back for me.
Sony will forever remind the world that it was responsible for inventing the Walkman.
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Life is like that when you believe that its current conditions will exist forever.
FORBES: Living on the Investing Pendulum -- And Getting Free
The shock of the deadly episode will change their lives forever, the guides said.
The incident is forever seared into my brain and is giving me sleepless nights.
Minutes later, you have a 3d design that can be printed, and re-printed, forever.
People talk about how hard he was on everyone, but his students were forever grateful.
WSJ: Cello's Golden Age Comes to a Close | J��nos Starker | By Stuart Isacoff
That leaves very few young adults who rent today and plan to rent forever.
The day I got my personal computer, my life as a design engineer was forever changed.
FORBES: The Best Thing to Offer a Technology Customer: Choice
In contrast, a hotel room must be rented tonight, or it is gone forever.