However Mr Mcletchie confirmed his party too would back the general principles of the bill.
The Justice Committee had already recommended that the parliament agree to the general principles.
The general principles should not change simply because there is new, or widely misunderstood, technology.
But Mr Eisner argues that there are some general principles that increase the chances of success.
The charter contains 16 general principles and 60 supporting principles, or ways to implement the principal guidelines.
Despite unanimous support for the general principles of the measure, a number of recommendations were put forward.
Apple, primarily a hardware seller, faces different challenges than Microsoft of course, but the same general principles apply.
The Justice Committee had already recommended that the parliament agree to the general principles of the bill.
We were able to come out with some broad, general principles - it was a big step forwards.
Scottish Labour MSP Jenny Marra said her party would back the general principles of the bill but with caution.
Mr. Barnes did note that he suspected that Clemens and Bonds would have been an exception to these general principles.
Earlier after the stage 1 debate 111 MSPs voted to back the general principles with only three MSPs voting against.
Justice Committee convener Christine Grahame, speaking on behalf of the committee, said the committee would back the general principles of the bill.
The general principles of the bill were unanimously passed at decision time.
GATS, in which governments settled on general principles but opened up sector-by-sector.
The one-day class covers the general principles of bread making and teaches a variety of techniques to help you create the perfect loaf.
The general principles of the measure, as introduced by Deputy Housing Minister Jocelyn Davies AM, were agreed following a debate in the chamber.
Their stance comes as an education committee report backed the general principles of the bill but said clarity was needed on some aspects.
During stage one, MSPs consider the general principles of the bill in one of the relevant committees and hold a debate in the parliament.
Bush outlined his general principles, saying seniors who want to stay in Medicare just the way it is should be allowed to do so.
Architectural treatises dictated general principles for the proportions of the supporting elements, along with roofing techniques such as the forming of domes by corbeling.
Community Safety and Legal Affairs Minister Roseanna Cunningham said a vast majority of the parliament had agreed the general principles of the bill in June.
The committee convener Murdo Fraser told the chamber during the debate the committee had recommended that the parliament back the general principles of the bill.
Within the next fortnight, the coalition is expected to publish the heads of the bill - its general principles - that it hopes will become law by July.
We could spend days discussing them on a case-by-case basis, but let me ask you what your general principles are, before we conclude this segment of our discussion.
FORBES: Two Great Historians Talk Alexander the Great Part 3
Portugal's role as Union president means that it fixes the procedural rules for the conference, and fine-tunes an agenda in line with general principles agreed to at Helsinki.
MSPs voted to pass the amended motion from Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon, which called for the backing of the general principles of the Alcohol Bill, on 10 June 2010.
Scottish National Party social justice spokesman Kenny Gibson said his party would back the general principles of the Bill, but would introduce "radical changes" during the next parliamentary stage.
Mr Bradley said the committee supported the general principles of the bill, despite reservations over some matters, such as the use of the term "miscellaneous" as a budget heading.
His aim--nothing less than "a comprehensive peace agreement, not another weak, meaningless set of general principles that would be forgotten or ignored as soon as the conference adjourned"--was certainly ambitious.