Many of those who give to charity want the instant gratification of helping someone somewhere somehow.
Later, I emailed Walter Mischel, the world's leading expert on how children learn to delay gratification.
She has found a lot of gratification with the knowledge that she is a good mother.
Instead, they are seeking to reap the rewards of a lifetime of deferred gratification.
As entrepreneurs, we live for the future, and we cultivate the discipline of delayed gratification.
In this new world of immediate experience and gratification, the database is rapidly becoming the company.
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Earlier, Mr McDonald denied that they were using the woman for their own gratification.
Others lack the discipline to delay gratification, thus squandering earnings before they become wealthy.
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The difference of 1 cent is too minimal a reward for me to defer gratification.
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We live in a world filled with instant gratification, from video games to snack foods.
Culinary mindfulness is a practical, common-sense psychology that helps people maximize gratification from food.
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We're in this digital instant gratification age, and there is no patience for the dating process.
For me, the story illustrates the power of learning to say no and delaying gratification.
The female entrepreneurs she studies take a much more delayed gratification approach when compensating themselves financially.
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In particular, mental accounting is one way in which we strengthen our ability to delay gratification.
Was that the step too far, that you get this kind of immediate gratification?
But somehow I've unintentionally left the impression that I'm flailing myself for some sort of weird self-gratification.
This is the system that inhibits impulses and guides decision-making, that encourages long-term planning and delays gratification.
Complaints are quickly filed and fingers get pointed whenever a seemingly guaranteed instant gratification fails to deliver.
Continued access to instant gratification is a relatively new experience among any large population of social animals.
They thus lose the Web's great advantage over other media: its ability to deliver instant consumer gratification.
The conservative solution would advocate that Frank stop seeking instant gratification and learn to budget his pennies.
Making animated gif files is easy, but it is an editing process, not an Instagram-like instant gratification.
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The idea of deferred gratification, which is inherent in that implicit pension contract, has been beyond our comprehension.
We live in an age of urgency, where everything seems important and people are looking for instant gratification.
Both groups can delay gratification if a bigger reward is on offer, but only for a few seconds.
The concept of delayed gratification is simply not part of Grenache's Mediterranean soul.
The discount rate is basically a measure of what you have to be paid to put off current gratification.
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"It's all about instant gratification, " Magnussen says, with a trace of a smile.
We are not taught that meals are simply opportunities for pleasure and gratification.
FORBES: Culinary Mindfulness: Something You Won't Hear About At TEDxManhattan