His obvious pleasure at the Bremen result suggests that he may still hanker after one.
It must be as far as you can get from the controlled conditions scientists usually hanker after?
The French still hanker after a political counterweight to the European Central Bank.
But he seemed to hanker for the days when Mr Olmert, now mired in accusations of corruption, was in office.
But some of the guests find the atmosphere more than a tad sepulchral, and hanker for the hotel's crumbling past.
And if you hanker after something truly different, Prado y Neptuno is a boutique cigar and cocktail spot in the exclusive Recoleta district.
Countries such as Spain and Luxembourg still hanker after the whole constitution.
Conservatives openly hanker for a minority government able to pass, or at least propose proper Tory measures - pure fantasy, in my view.
And some of his supporters still hanker after the "star quality" they believe he brought to the party, even as they throw their weight behind Ed.
Though he has stood only once (unsuccessfully) for elected office, he is young at 52, and may well hanker after a top job, one day, in government.
And I think they - they hanker for, you know, some simplicity, some real basic honest human emotions, and that would sort of cover the general spirit in which I write songs.
Therefore, if you hanker to put new money in the market but also want to take the summer off and not worry too much, you might look at the iShares MSCI EAFE Index.
While the Peronists hanker for a deal with the conservative wing of the government, Domingo Cavallo and Gustavo Beliz, former Menem ministers who have formed their own grouping, have praised Mr Alvarez's stand against old-fashioned pork-barrel politics and evidently believe they could work with the modernising wing of the Alliance.
Although Brussels Eurocrats, depressed after the two ineffective commission presidencies of Jacques Santer and Romano Prodi, hanker after a man with the grand dreams and vaulting ambition of Jacques Delors, president in 1985-95, who pushed through the single market and plans for monetary union, a low-key but effective president may now be just what is needed.