He is the first Mormon from a major party to contest the presidential election.
"Where he is next season, I don't know, it's not for us to say, " he said.
It's all complicated about formula, but it should help with the supply, he is saying.
He knows they're cutting into him, but he can't say anything because he is paralyzed.
He is comfortably sized, barely cresting the five-foot barrier, shaven of head and broad of smile.
He is a contributing editor at Foreign Policy and writes a weekly column for CNN.com.
He is a very stable guy and I wouldn't be worried about Middlesbrough at all.
He is a cousin of the two youths convicted of killing schoolboy Damilola Taylor.
But if he is summoned, Sufi said Mahathir will comply with the police instructions.
He says the election is an uphill battle for him, but feels he is making headway.
He is for market liberalization and fighting corruption in government and in the private sector.
He is leaving because he has achieved everything he set out to do at Radio 4.
He is very much identified with this let's fight the war a different way.
Walker is undecided but said he is unhappy with the direction the Clinton campaign has taken.
He is said to be buried in the grounds of the 12th-century Down Cathedral.
He is - Raul Castro - is considered to be more pragmatic than Fidel.
And if he is gone, when he is gone, there's bound to be some reconsideration.
Clad in cowboy clothes emblematic of drug traffickers, he is a frequent performer in Mexico City.
He is insured for damage to his property, but not for his loss of earnings.
He is now the clown of the group, entertaining the others and initiating play.
He is the President of the Evens Foundation, Antwerp, Jury on Intercultural Education Awards.
Now Ziese is facing the challenge that he is the right man for the job.
He is married and has three sons - Luis (aged 22), Guilherme (19) and Francisco (17).
But he is at his best when his words seek to leave the world a different place.
Mr Andrews told BBC Wales he is concerned about the quality of education provided by local authorities.
He is also known for holding politicians and public officials accountable in his "No Talking Points" segment.
Fallon has warned fans that he is anticipating offers for his star players during January transfer window.
The 57-year-old director added that despite rumours of unrest in the boardroom, he is there to stay.
He is more in the mold of the Pentagon's pragmatists: Gates and Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England.