Kentucky that prosecutors have to have a good reason for striking a black or Hispanic or Asian juror.
Petlan arrived here seven years ago, helping Idaho's Hispanic population surge nearly 30 percent.
First, you must understand how culture defines the identity of the Hispanic person.
FORBES: Capturing the Hispanic Market Will Require More Than A Total Market Strategy
Notwithstanding her Hispanic heritage, Ms. Perez appeared out of touch with Valley voters' values and concerns.
WSJ: Allysia Finley: A Farmers' Rebellion Lifts the California GOP
Bush signed an executive order during the event designed to improve education for Hispanic students.
The death god, Mictlantecutli, is often depicted with a skull-like face in pre-Hispanic artefacts.
Corporations view their ROI in Hispanic leadership by the impact and influence they can create.
"This would be likely and incorrectly perceived to be a black and Hispanic problem, " he said.
In 2010, about 36% of new immigrants were Asian, against 31% who were Hispanic.
He says Republicans deserve some credit for putting a Hispanic person in as attorney general.
As recently as 1996, blacks had turnout rates 8 percentage points lower than non-Hispanic whites.
There are about 120, 000 illegal immigrants in Connecticut, according to the Pew Hispanic Center.
WSJ: Connecticut Weighing Driver's Licenses for Illegal Immigrants
It centres on the exploitation of illegal immigrant Hispanic office cleaners in Los Angeles.
Mitt Romney, who talked about wanting immigrants to "self-deport, " got clobbered among Hispanic voters.
Was this week's trip to Chicago the kick-off of his 2016 Hispanic outreach efforts?
Republicans aren't unified, either on immigration policy or on the need to attract Hispanic voters.
As in the case of race, Hispanic women are actually paid somewhat more than white women.
FORBES: Regulations Are Very Expensive, But Their Economic Value Is Negative
Here is what mattered most: Both candidates recognized the Hispanic vote is crucial and deserves attention.
This would generate a tremendous increase in confidence throughout Hispanic communities all across America.
She would become the first Hispanic to serve on the high court if she is confirmed.
So this isn't all fixed in stone when you talk about the Latino, the Hispanic vote.
Solis, a Hispanic, defeated Democrat-turner-Republican Matthew Martinez to claim the 32nd district in 2000.
When was the last time you saw a Black or Hispanic country artist go mainstream?
Seventeen white candidates and one Hispanic sued, claiming a violation of their legal and constitutional rights.
Nationwide, Hispanic and school-aged children were disproportionately uninsured as well as those living in rural areas.
FORBES: Nevada, Texas, Arizona - States with Highest Rate of Uninsured Kids
Democratic Hispanic legislators oppose separating them for fear of losing business support for comprehensive reform.
The Romney campaign argues that immigration is not the only point of contention for Hispanic voters.
The Bush White House is looking for ways to appeal more broadly to Hispanic voters.
Bush's success in winning the Hispanic vote so handily in Texas gave him that aura.
Salmeron, who is Hispanic, was patrolling the 23rd Precinct in Manhattan during the 2008 encounter.