Atari got cold feet, and dropped the idea -- and the game -- before completion.
The idea was that the person who found it would have a fabulous prize.
If you bought that Singapore bond, holding it to maturity might be a bad idea.
Mr Mbeki says this makes her a racist, but there may be something in the idea.
The idea is so simple that professional economists, politicians and pundits are afraid of it.
Perhaps bringing them to meet my Indian family had not been such a good idea.
Western civilization s signature achievement was not democracy but the idea that laws prevail over lawgivers.
The idea is to sweat, loosening dirt and toxins in preparation for your wash.
It sounds like a simple idea, but, as always, the devil is in the details.
The idea that Cablevision is resisting its competition is nonsense, attorney Peter Bee tells residents.
At least one entrepreneurial mother got the idea for her business from her kids.
This private tour was my idea, and the kids had already objected to it earlier.
Brown had asked for a release from his employment agreement to develop the idea.
Actually got an idea that, hey let's cooperate and try to get this thing right.
The latest idea, backed by F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone, is for 'knockout' qualifying divided into three stages.
The idea of the V mask being appropriated as a political symbol is inherently ridiculous, he suggests.
Choosing the size of your policy means having a decent idea of what your company is worth.
And going into hock with a bank early on is probably not a great idea in general.
Navio Chief Executive Stefan Roever is taking a more innovative, and complicated, approach to the locker idea.
The idea of westerners coming in to help run Russian cities, or even whole regions, still seems implausible.
But it rejected the idea that GCSEs were such a "damaged brand" that they needed to be abolished.
If Cao is correct and is able to execute his idea, Internet addresses could be toast by 2010.
"The idea has been cooking up inside my head for a long, long time, " King continued.
BBC: Warrington's Matt King is the inventor of the 'Crackit'
Consider this idea dreamed up by General Motors-sponsored researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
This is the idea he shared in an interview with a reporter from Chicago's Fox 32.
The idea for the key came from the Royal Association of Disability and Rehabilitation, aka Radar.
Fortunately, the folks at the American Institute of Economic Research have resurrected the idea.
The map gives Dixon and his team a good idea of where to look.
Beyond that, the entire idea of reanalyzing a trial that began in 2003 is simply ludicrous.
FORBES: Steven Nissen: The Hidden Agenda Behind The FDA's New Avandia Hearings
He said he had no idea who was spreading the false rumours and damaging his business.