You can see why HS2 adds yet another element of intrigue to the proceedings.
And thus, with intrigue, we must put the Xperia through its paces the Engadget way.
"There is a certain intrigue factor, " says Tom Sosnoff, cofounder and president of Thinkorswim.
This medium-length film, directed by Letourneur, brings a bracingly droll inventiveness to its tender intrigue.
Free agency, once it came along in the late 1970s, added to the intrigue.
The intrigue for me is not just who plays, but how the teams are selected.
It has international borders with nine neighboring countries, which makes the place right for political intrigue.
One further wrinkle in its ambitions: a hint of intrigue within the founding Singh family.
To add to the intrigue, Jeter had played in 150 or more games 11 times.
FORBES: An Unconventional Look At Derek Jeter's Journey To 3,000 Hits
What she creates are smoothly formed shapes that intrigue no matter what music is playing.
WSJ: Culture City: Dressing Up and Stripping Down on 92nd Street
When entering the store, helpful signage and displays intrigue instead of overwhelm your senses.
Strange as this may sound, such intrigue may be the way the putative iWatch gets done.
Witte finally fell to bureaucratic and palace intrigue and was cashiered as finance minister in 1903.
She admits dabbling in astrology but insists that has nothing to do with her tale of intrigue.
She is motivated because she is able to do things that intrigue her by her very nature.
More to the point, consider that the DNA of world leaders is already a subject of intrigue.
FORBES: Hacking the President's DNA: When Synthetic Biology Meets National Security
The en banc vote seemed to be the subject of considerable infighting and intrigue within the Second Circuit.
FORBES: Second Circuit Puts A Damper On Suits Under Alien Tort Statute
From noises that inspire primal fear to fascination, what he hears never fails to surprise and intrigue him.
The intrigue is reminiscent of the Congress of Vienna in 1815 that drew the post-Napoleonic map of Europe.
The present-day collectors who intrigue Mr Stourton are wealthy American businessmen such as Henry Kravis and Ronald Lauder.
Lippa said a straightforward biography didn't intrigue him, especially for a figure so well known in San Francisco.
The IR Magazine crisis-management award is an honor for corporations in the throes of intrigue, scandal and loss.
On Saturday a statement criticised the media for reporting "misinformation" about alleged intrigue and corruption in the church.
On Saturday the Vatican criticised the media for reporting "misinformation" about alleged intrigue and corruption in the church.
At the time, the Clinton White House seemed like a gothic warehouse filled with endless mysteries and intrigue.
Following are five secrets that brand storytellers understand and use to intrigue, engage, and connect emotionally with consumers.
FORBES: 5 Secrets to Use Storytelling for Brand Marketing Success
By intrigue or muscle, the Mafia often tries to get back into firms that are taken from it.
Adding to the intrigue, the track itself had produced super-fast times through the first three days of track-and-field competition.
This is the story behind Steven Spielberg's new movie, "Munich, " a story of covert action, intrigue and moral uncertainty.
An excerpt from the latest incense-and-intrigue thriller by the American novelist, Dan Brown?