Gesturing to a bag laden with boxes, he explains he has travelled all the way from Greece.
The history of Columbia is laden with this kind of satisfying, train-spotting historical detail.
Koetsu died at 79 in 1637, laden with the esteem of patrons and connoisseurs.
Porpoises skip and plunge in the wake of fishing craft laden with the day's salmon catch.
But for the foreseeable future the country will depend on ships laden with foreign coal.
ECONOMIST: What is good news for miners is bad news for the environment
In the first half, when Richard reigns supreme, the trees are laden with ripe fruit.
Dense smoke laden with toxic dust from rubbish burnt at the dump billows for miles around.
Other ship owners were still reacting to the crisis and fully laden with debt.
FORBES: Peter Woo Discusses Lessons Learned From Y.K. Pao And His Own Succession Plans
His ship, the Terra Nova, sailed from the city's docks laden with Welsh coal, fuel, and supplies.
Recruiting and developing a core of well-rounded IT professionals is laden with structural obstacles and unrealistic expectations.
At Hue railway station, coach doors open and, laden with bags and bundles, the crowd surges forward.
Her tone can be bombastic, breathless and laden with pathos, just as it was on the city streets.
If the feed hay is laden with weeds its nutritional value plummets and the alfalfa grower loses money.
Laden with debt and losing market share, Goodyear will soon unveil another restructuring plan, the sixth in seven years.
Finally, many investments are so laden with fees and expenses as to diminish their returns without dampening their volatility.
The current generation of virtual humans are laden with data but will look primitive a few years from now.
Others, including lawyers whose email messages are laden with them, say the disclaimers are for the most part unenforceable.
Alberta, Canada is site of the world's largest extraction operations from oil sands, heavy earth laden with bitumen, a hydrocarbon-rich mineral.
His desk is laden with the thick, string-bound paper dossiers beloved of Indian civil servants and cordially loathed by everyone else.
Because the area is heavily mined and laden with roadside bombs, Marines are using mine rollers to clear roads, Pelletier said.
The Pumpkin Patch is a local favourite, with beautiful peach and nectarine orchards laden with juicy softball-sized fruit in late summer.
As our guide checked the track, we dodged the locals pushing through the doors, laden with all manner of bundles and packages.
WSJ: Riding the Trans-Mongolian Railway through Russia, China and Mongolia
Long said it actually can be useful to have a player in that role, especially when a team is laden with stars.
News earlier this week that a third Bear Stearns hedge fund, laden with mortgage debt, might be faltering raised even more concerns about the company.
The ship was laden with munitions, crew and a few paying passengers, and its rescue has gone down in history as a catalogue of errors.
Not surprisingly, the site is laden with sarcasm from Third Voice users.
To many Africans, the prospect of increased cooperation with China is an exciting development laden with enormous opportunities for growth and prosperity.
The clothing introduced at trial on Tuesday as laden with bomb residue is the strongest physical evidence directly linking him to the bombing.
With the Super Bowl, for example, CBS is promising a second screen app laden with stat updates, game highlights and alternate camera angles.
ENGADGET: The state of the second screen: Will TV companion apps proliferate or dwindle?