The consortium plan to employ a landlord in the hope of reopening in November after a refurbishment programme.
She had ridden out the twister in the basement of her landlord's office nearby.
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Agents' fees are lucrative and usually paid by the tenant rather than the landlord.
Now the landlord was protected against unpleasant surprises, but the billing service was taking a risk.
The landlord sued the government for the rent the SEC had agreed to pay.
Some of tenants at the Aurora property expressed relief their new landlord would keep rents affordable.
He said the LPA business relationship with CMS Mortgages "is that of Landlord and tenant".
Schumer would not say how much rent he pays his landlord, California House Democrat George Miller.
During the legal proceedings, the landlord leased some of the space in the N.
The foray by Big Money into the single-family landlord business is becoming more sophisticated.
Effective rents include landlord concessions, such as rent-free periods, used to entice tenants to take space.
Renters must have a signed OK for pets from their landlord, and so forth.
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Apple has moved into prime wireless real estate and the landlord wants its rent check.
Brewery owner and landlord Martin Brunnschweiler was one of the first people to request the changes.
Owning my own home allowed me to reap the benefits of being a landlord.
Until now, hospitals and medical groups have mainly had a landlord-tenant relationship with doctors.
C. political activist, Elizabeth Magie, invented the Landlord's Game to show the evils of private property.
None of this could be confirmed because the landlord and owner didn't return calls for comment.
The landlord removed Beaux Arts ornaments from the exterior a number of years ago.
Landlord Freshwater says building the store would pay for the renovation of Arlington House flats.
The bill would make it illegal to operate as a landlord unless minimum standards are met.
BBC: Isle of Man's private rental sector standards views sought
Equity Residential owns stakes in 119, 000 apartments, making it the country's largest publicly traded multifamily landlord.
WSJ: Equity Residential Cuts Deal to Buy 26.5% Archstone Stake
George Coles, the pub landlord in his local, saw Farage shortly after the plane crash.
"We worked with the landlord, got the lease, and then we subsidized the rest, " she said.
What with the landlord having to register that he actually owns the property and all.
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The landlord said he had been warned locally to expect a couple of flooding incidents annually.
BBC: Mevagissey pub landlord quits job after repeated flooding
Pub landlord Ian Simms was convicted of her murder, but has never said where her body is.
The landlord has published notices of 424 homes it intends to demolish within the next seven years.
Specialists have been drafted in after tenants voted against a new landlord taking over the authority's homes.
BBC: Wrexham's council house tenants have seen a rent increase
"It's an overlooked tax deduction, " says Stephen Fishman, author of Every Landlord's Tax Deduction Guide (Nolo, 2006).