Andregg, a lanky twenty-eight-year-old, was wearing cargo pants and a rumpled, untucked pink button-down shirt.
Bridget (Blake Lively), a lanky star athlete, has never come to terms with her mother's suicide.
Peter Kephart, a lanky man with an ever-ready smile, guides a bit for smallmouth on the Potomac River.
The best reason to stay with it is Vaughn, whose lanky wryness wards off the threat of pomposity.
C. (Mickey) Roth, 57, a lanky, white-haired ex-Air Force captain who heads USAA Investment Management, the mutual fund arm.
Lovat was tall, lanky, outrageously handsome and romantic, with a castle towering above the river at Beauly, near Inverness.
Encircling the moon, throughout the amphitheatre, these lanky figures stood or sat, their faces framed by beards or unkempt hair.
Saunders, a lanky Chicago native who hangs Cubs memorabilia over his desk in San Francisco, has spent 30 years pushing plastic.
For the second time in a month, Great Britain will pin monumental hopes on the lanky shoulders of the 25-year-old Scot.
Andrew Mason, a relaxed and lanky 29-year-old music major from Northwestern, has managed to build the fastest-growing company in Web history.
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As the City Hall demonstration threatened to veer out of control, a lanky man suddenly walked up to the women protesters.
If a surgeon ever opened him up they would probably find "Lanky" printed right through him like a stick of Blackpool Rock.
The tall man, whose arms hung loosely and were lanky, like his body, sucked at his teeth, which was a way he had.
Lanky left-armer Sulieman Benn is the other specialist spinner alongside Jaggernauth whose last Test was against Australia at Sabina Park a year ago.
Where Augustyniak is lanky, with the flyaway hair and a round-about conversational style, Amzalag is compact, drily ironic and gets crisply to the point.
The image of the lean, lanky, leather jacket-clad figure with the pale skin and mop of white hair was splashed on television screens and websites.
Lanky Charles Koch, 63, doesn't like talking with the media, but he's willing to talk with a FORBES GLOBAL reporter about his ideas and concepts.
Marc Berman, a lanky graduate student with an easy grin, speaks about his research with the infectious enthusiasm of a freshman taking his first philosophy class.
McNaughton managed to get ahead of lanky Scholars front man Kyle Perry, but the Cardiff defender only succeeded in scooping the ball into his own net.
While it seems unlikely Tebow would accept the offer, he could be a perfect fit in the league of 50-yard fields, lanky goal posts and indoor stadiums.
Soon the lanky, bespectacled Vallas, 44, leads a pint-size parade of orange and green parkas across a dirt lot littered with broken bottles, and into the school.
The office of lost bus objects was lit like a dungeon and smelled like a wet sock, its counter manned by a lanky kid in a floppy Santa hat.
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In the 95th minute, with Brentford laying siege to the opposing goal, Jamie McCombe, Doncaster's 6-foot-5 centerback threw his lanky frame in the air, his flailing arm clearly deflecting the ball.
Through a blend of photographs and aging footage, we watch the lanky boy grow taller but never wider, and learn with horror of the electric-shock treatment administered to him in his youth.
Cutting back the lanky stems of a prized shrub leads not only to a smaller bush, it also reinvigorates the whole plant, thickening it up as side branches are stimulated into growth.
Dead Addict, a lanky 34-year-old dressed in all black and a bowler hat, points out that he began using the Internet in the early '90s, even before the advent of Internet service providers.
Benny Avni, the head of the District Council of Tel Ilan, was a lanky man with stooped shoulders and a fondness for rumpled clothes and oversized sweaters, which gave him an ursine look.
Mill is being squeezed from the top and bottom, and the lanky Robbins is perfect for the part: watching him under stress is like seeing a tube of toothpaste bunch up in the middle.