However, one unwanted by-product of this is to lessen the natural sex drive of the patient.
The gaming aspect of the treatment also helps to lessen the stigma associated with getting therapy.
At a school with a lesser gridiron pedigree, it probably would lessen the experience.
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Drugs available at the moment can lessen the damaging immune responses, but not halt it completely.
If these reserves were developed, our dependence on overseas energy sources would considerably lessen.
Restrict the franchise to lessen conflicts of interest regarding state employees, lobbyists, contractors, etc.
FORBES: If On The Dole Why Do You Still Get To Go To The Poll?
Imposed rent controls usually lessen apartment availability while housing subsidies make homes more expensive.
Slowing consumption, of course, will tend to lessen the demand for foreign goods over time.
The much bandied about hard cap, would lessen the gulf between the highest and lowest spenders.
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But what can you do to lessen the likelihood that a tragedy will occur?
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Behavioral intervention early on is needed to help the individual lessen these behaviors and make progress.
FORBES: Autistic Children Who Wander Have New Code and Medical Resources They Can Access
As if the riboflavin were going to lessen the damage this stuff does to your paunch?
Such approaches would lessen the pain of adjustment programs, which have hit the poor hardest.
In the circumstances many entrepreneurs would have gone public to raise money and lessen personal risk.
To lessen the risks posed by this scenario, most organizations air-gap between the two.
It would also lessen the risk that it tightens prematurely just to demonstrate its resolve.
But interest rates are likely to rise at some point, which will lessen pension obligations.
That does not lessen my commitment, however, to governments that reflect the will of the people.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to the Muslim World from Cairo, Egypt | The White House
He sometimes goes to Hawaii in February, partly to lessen the chances of getting tagged.
The fact that a placebo can lessen subjective measures of pain is not new.
By shrinking other spending, they may actually lessen public tax benefits as well.
FORBES: Cleveland Makes Opening Bid on the City Casino Gamble
Success in this pursuit would lessen the need for epic heroism in the future.
At the same time, the structure of the labour force may lessen the pain.
Last year, hoping to lessen the controversy, he made an unannounced visit in April.
What are you going to do to lessen the onerous regulations and taxation on small businesses?
The warfare raged for several days until Sarkozy's diplomatic efforts helped lessen the violence.
It also means cleaner air and an opportunity to lessen our role in climate change.
Systems have been put in place to lessen the impact of surges in demand.
Packaging the loans into mortgage-backed securities that are sold to investors can lessen the risk to lenders.
It could lessen the likelihood of further action from the Federal Reserve to spur a stronger recovery.