Meantime a billboard and radio campaign urges customers to lobby cable operators to carry the channel.
Socialites and business travellers mingle in the sprawling lobby and the buzzy St Regis Bar.
No suggestions, please, just go out and lobby your Congressman, or write a supportive oped.
They are speaking out at shareholder meetings, bringing lawsuits and organizing to lobby for better treatment.
The chic lobby features modern seating with international power outlets discreetly placed at the base of each.
The property's lobby opens directly into the airport check-in area, making it easy to gauge the wait time.
But it's their -the Turkish lobby is not as effective here in this country.
Not surprisingly, as 2010 rolled around, the health insurance lobby asked Congress to extend the subsidy.
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He said he would continue to lobby the government for more stringent dangerous dog legislation.
Compassion in World Farming, a lobby group, fears that crowded-in heifers will be stressed and unhappy.
They may lobby and participate in political activities but their primary purpose must not be campaigning.
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The strength of the farm lobby in Congress makes this an area difficult to reform.
However, the health insurance lobby is at the table for at least two reasons.
Do the companies setting up this new lobby group really use their own money?
"There is a big psychology lobby that has it in for us, " says Durand.
Before taking public office she worked for a decade running the state trial lawyer lobby.
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The pair walked out of the lobby with my belongings and headed into the streets.
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The designer decorated 17 rooms in his inimitable style, along with the lobby, restaurant and bar.
These organisations typically lobby for closer European integration, bigger EU budgets and more EU regulation.
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The bureaucrats are appealing, in time-honoured fashion, to the ruling Liberal Democratic Party's road lobby.
The powerful cruise lobby, with many allies in the state legislature, sank the bill.
Each Monday, I used to stand in the Members' Lobby as they returned from their constituencies.
The farm lobby in industrial countries is powerful and politicians ignore it at their peril.
However, the environment lobby fears there will still be major road building in the future.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Transport 'roadmap' for way ahead
Two filmmakers that never have to lobby hard for my vote are Joel and Ethan Coen.
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Telcos and cable companies have no choice but to lobby for legislation that bars neutrality.
In the lobby, a uniformed guard screens guests as they come in the door.
Instead, he threw in his lot with the anti-dam lobby and was duly re-elected.
But the hospital lobby made sure that Obamacare would suppress, rather than improve, competition.
Lawmakers approved the bill, amending the 1955 marriage act, despite opposition from Christian lobby groups.