Cloud is coming as so many other technological advances came from the mainframe to the internet.
It then moved on to mainframe circuit-boards and terminals and eventually to personal computers.
Dell thinks that clustering could give his company the means to attack IBM's mainframe franchise.
Put the readings in a secure database--on, say, a mainframe owned by the credit card issuer.
The new hardware may also raise more questions around IBM's monopoly of the mainframe business.
Net 1 operates a mainframe computer, loaded with customer information and tied into every transaction.
Instead, Oracle favours three tiers, with a huge database server (possibly a mainframe) at the centre.
The early IBM mainframe computers were so expensive that only big companies could own them.
It is the mainframe computer that has turned software companies into second-class citizens in Japan.
The problem extends far beyond mainframe computers, though not always with such serious consequences.
Ever since IBM developed the first mainframe, technology has been employed to deliver services and goods.
Meanwhile, Day says that the new mainframe--combined with virtualization software--is far more efficient than IBM's previous systems.
Then Jonathan laid off salespeople at StorageTek, a Sun subsidiary that sells mainframe storage to the enterprise.
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That honor goes to IBM, which developed virtualization software for huge mainframe servers back in the 1960s.
Does this mean the pendulum will swing back to the days of the glassed-in mainframe computing center?
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It also allows weird ideas to go undercover in the mainstream and hack into the cultural mainframe.
It would have to spin off the mainframe (and likely other) assets to clean up the portfolio.
Among the missed opportunities: IBM is still waiting on a number of software and mainframe transactions to close.
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When all the mainframe-related software, services and storage are included, mainframe technology delivers about 25 percent of I.
Then, once they know technology is available to dramatically reduce costs of improving the mainframe, they can reconsider.
Companies whose core is running on a mainframe may have difficulty providing mobile access to users, he said.
They looked at the world of mainframe computers run by professional programmers and thought, anybody can have this.
Sam Palmisano, who has run IBM like a smoothly humming mainframe for a decade, has turned over the reins.
Online banking accounts, for example, hold the last 30 to 90 days on a cache facility off the mainframe.
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At the heart of its system, running on CSC Hogan mainframe technology, is a central customer file, he said.
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"We've always seen the mainframe as just another kind of server, " says Adkins.
It happened to mainframe vendors like Unisys, which totally missed the minicomputer marketplace.
They are not much different than the 1970s-era dumb terminals that dialed by modem to connect with mainframe computers.
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Although organizations treat the mainframe as critical, they think it is fairly inflexible and unproductive in how applications are developed.
But it was not only the cost and limited capacity of the mainframe he was working with that frustrated Nie.