Nunu didn't like messing about with the hives, and one day we sold all eighteen colonies.
That is the price of messing up the public finances as thoroughly as Labour has done.
ECONOMIST: The chancellor��s fiscal statement was all about politics
"When you're messing around with probation, it's a game of cat and mouse, " he says.
The third reason for the weak recovery would be that employers are messing up.
But can presidents be relied on to tell their wives when they are messing up?
He liked messing around in boats, and after the war bought a boatyard in Norfolk.
"We are aware there may have been people messing about, " said BDMLR director Tony Woodley.
As a result of their messing around Apple have to pay higher legal fees.
NATO's attempt to immobilise them by depriving them of fuel and messing up their logistics.
But what's really messing here is the will to deal, and we're not seeing that from either side.
Instead of messing with its UI, Samsung has concentrated on specific apps -- and plenty of new gesture functionality.
ENGADGET: Samsung Galaxy S III preview: hands-on with the next Android superphone (video)
American generals are privately annoyed at the Germans messing up their command structures.
It is right to be extremely cautious about messing with the food supply.
But McClintock found that certain genes were vagabonds, moving from place to place--and messing up other genes as they went.
The Danish director Lars von Trier takes a break from messing with America to provoke his cinematic mentor Jorgen Leth.
If uncertainty over taxes--or Barclays' solvency--is too much for you, well, you shouldn't be messing with anything as risky as commodities.
You know, you're not feeling like you're, you know, in the top three and you're messing it up all the time.
Also gone this year are Debra Messing's fortune-teller wardrobe of chunky scarves and sweater coats, the target of much online chatter.
I'M IN AWE OF NATURE and its incredible variety and creativity, but we've been messing with it since the beginning of time.
WSJ: A Renegade Architect Connects Cities and the Natural World
But instead of sending him to intensive therapy, his Army commanders kept punishing him, saying he was messing up on the job.
I've been eating properly and training hard so no more messing around.
"But while they're messing it up, we're sorting it out, " he said.
BBC: David Cameron urges Welsh Tories to fight 'battle of ideas'
We started messing around with a bingo kit we found down there.
Indeed, Mr Anand, the former Railway Board chairman, blames the awards of the fifth such commission, for messing up the railways' finances.
ECONOMIST: Indian railways: There's no such thing as a free ride | The
He got in trouble in school for messing with other children's work.
WSJ: ADHD Warning Signs and Kids: Growing Pains or Cause for Concern?
He was ordered to stop messing about, and to develop antibiotics instead.
He believes that the way that the developers are continually messing with the user interface is also driving people to use Google Chrome.
FORBES: Firefox Developer: "Everybody Hates Firefox Updates"
Whatever it is gifts them with powers that start slow with magic tricks, messing with girls and shifting cars in a parking lot.
Rather than messing around with fiddly (and privacy-invading) one-to-one marketing, she says, many firms are instead sticking with the old geographical approach, but taking it online.
"I think among older fans there's a sense that I'm somehow messing with their own memories, which was never my intent, " he says.