In the mid-1990s Kam and a partner started a mutual fund called Firsthand Funds.
You can throw up your hands and have a mutual fund do the picking for you.
According to Morningstar, the average stock mutual fund had a total return of 7%.
The article postulates that ETF investors are wealthier, younger and better-educated than typical mutual fund investors.
Wall Street representatives say that talented mutual fund managers rule the markets in every way.
And they understand that mutual fund performance rarely beats an index they can purchase.
FORBES: Pensions Funds: Funding Unsavory Practices of Venture Capitalists (May 1, 2000)
Every mutual fund, endowment and family office drank Greenberg's Kool-Aid, and trusted whatever he told them.
These questionnaires are available through mutual fund companies, retirement plan providers, investment advisors and brokers.
Most of the mutual fund industry hangs on a percentage of net assets for its revenue.
The big mutual fund companies have not yet made a commitment to actively managed equity ETFs.
During the early 80s, many mutual fund companies embarked on a campaign to widen investor horizons.
Several studies of mutual fund rotation points to investor bias when selecting an asset class.
By their very nature, managed accounts can address another frustrating downside to mutual fund investing.
Three things matter in the selection of a mutual fund: Cost, risk and performance.
Instead, mutual fund managers are allocating heavily to the very worst stocks in the sector.
FORBES: Financial Sector Funds And ETFs Need Less Citi, More Discover
In 1998 and 1999 nobody wanted to hear about problems in the mutual fund industry.
FORBES: Early Warnings of Mutual Fund Illegalities (October 1, 2003 )
Nobody should buy a mutual fund without reading a prospectus (which are full-on mouseprint, funny enough).
In Vanguard's case the ETF is attached to an old-fashioned mutual fund with the same portfolio.
FolioFN executed its first trade in May 2000--and immediately triggered hostility from the mutual fund industry.
We have endured the research analyst, mutual fund, and property and casualty insurance bidding scandals.
FORBES: The Myth of Objective Health Insurance Advice (September 1, 2006 )
Invest money in that stock, put it into this mutual fund, or put it into savings?
FORBES: You're Not Indecisive; You Just Have Option Confusion
Hundreds of individual private lawsuits are cocked and aimed at 17 mutual fund firms.
We are trying to create a reasonable alternative to the standard emerging market mutual fund product.
The ETF is down 21.21% year-to-date, but the Dreyfus mutual fund is down 13.7%.
Huntington will likely fold their mutual fund into the ETF, giving them instant scale.
We gave it to mutual fund managers when we realized that we usually underperformed the market.
The Fund is an open-ended mutual fund marketed publicly mostly to the Muslim American community.
The story line is based on data on mutual fund sales from the Investment Company Institute.
Both investors in the mutual fund and shareholders of the parent company suffered as a result.
FORBES: Supreme Court to Defrauded Investors: "Sorry, Charlie"
Another solution Vanguard and other mutual fund companies offer to retirement plans is target retirement funds.
FORBES: More Worries for Defined Contribution Plan Fiduciaries (August 31, 2006)