Bush is standing by his actions, expressing no regret about removing Saddam Hussein from power.
The home owners knew nothing of the background situation and, absolving them of all liability, the judge observed: "This conclusion would cause me no regret".
Ruslan Tsarni, a Maryland man who said he was an uncle of the suspects, had no sympathy for them and no regret that his elder nephew was killed.
The prosecution argued that the defendants had shown no regret.
But Labour MP Keith Vaz accused the commissioner of showing a lack of "basic policing instinct" over his handling of the affair and said he "seemed to have no regret for anything that has happened".
There's no escaping midlife regret, but we can avoid becoming trapped by these emotions.
No expressions of regret or sorrow instead of candid apology and acceptance of guilt.
They say no and often regret it for the rest of their lives.
Listening to the judgment in his shirtsleeves, his suit jacket having been the casualty of a well-aimed egg on his way into court, he showed no signs of regret or even discomfort.
And when we asked if a Honda executive really did tell a Japanese newspaper that the colors are meant to "match a woman's eye shadow, " we're told yes -- with no tinge of regret that some women might find such a comment offensive.
Now, however, is no time to simply regret the loss of past opportunities.
"No, I do not regret my vote, " he said.
CNN: Dems spar -- gently -- over electability, gay marriage, Iraq
The answer is we all began accumulating just that type of regret and there was no resolution.
New Zealand Cricket expressed regret but there was no indication it would agree to the tour being called off.
BBC: SPORT | Cricket | Other International | Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka tour of NZ to carry on
One regret was that Doulton showed no interest in another of her characters: an engaging family of ducks.
"We know this and we regret it, but we have no choice, " he said.
Every morning for one month, no words were spoken by anyone besides the ones of regret.
His voice, so long and teasingly withheld, resonates with warm regret in its lower registers Smiley has no illusions about the role of virtue in spy craft and with icy fury when he raises it against stupidity or deceit.
There was a glimmer of regret when I finally got to Reims Cathedral, where there was no one with whom to marvel at the incredible story of Joan of Arc.
Many Europeans may regret the creation of the euro, but rage against past misjudgments is no help when dealing with today's problems.
Baker, who had no previous convictions for violence, had "never ever" shown any remorse or regret for his "callous" attack, Det Supt McPhillips added.
BBC: John Coates murder: Budgie toy held Robert Baker's print
He said he did not regret how he had dealt with the Savile rumours because "things were properly covered, there were no incidents".
BBC: Jimmy Savile: Children in Need had ban - Sir Roger Jones