Results show he easily cleared the benchmark of 1, 144 delegates to secure the nomination.
But you have to win the nomination to even get to the general election.
In Japan, auto firm Toyota topped the charts, with a nomination rate of 59%.
Those who are opposed to her nomination rarely mention rulings such as People v.
When she finally got a vote on her nomination, she was confirmed 96 to nothing.
That's why nomination fights over jurists for the federal bench have become increasingly vitriolic and bitter.
Do you think that it is important to participate in your state's nomination contests?
CNN: CNN Student News Learning Activity: Caucuses and Primaries
Last week, officials rejected Gen Musharraf's nomination papers in Kasur after objections were filed.
Now, about a year ago, he seemed to have the Republican nomination locked up.
Remarkably, having presumably done so, Mr. Clinton decided on 6 August to proceed with the nomination.
Once the nomination period has ended, an independent panel of judges will choose 500 finalists.
"We are pleased to present the nomination, " a New York Stock Exchange spokesman said.
The famously conservative newspaper has endorsed millionaire publisher Steve Forbes for the Republican nomination.
Anyway, today Hillary Clinton stands again as the betting favorite to win the Democratic nomination.
One Cabinet nominee who did make the cut lashed out at the nomination process last month.
Richardson withdrew from the race for the Democratic nomination January 10 and later endorsed Obama.
CNN: Obama discusses top Cabinet post with Richardson, Clinton
If Giuliani gets the Republican nomination, his biggest challenge will not be Hillary Clinton.
Kerry went on to crush Dean in New Hampshire and roll to the nomination.
Are you willing to wage a protracted battle to ensure that his nomination goes through?
Does the White House have concerns that his chances for nomination -- confirmation may be slipping?
Despite his sterling credentials and the bipartisan support that he enjoys, Republicans filibustered this nomination.
Last year Mr Sharpton nearly forced himself into a run-off for the Democrat nomination for mayor.
Romney is currently seen as the front-runner to win the Republican nomination for president in 2012.
They have referred the nomination back to the UK authorities for these issues to be addressed.
Haley Barbour may have acknowledged that when he decided not to seek the nomination.
Tell us what you're doing there and how you got word of the nomination today.
Following the inscription, States concerned will implement specific safeguarding plans, as indicated in their nomination files.
McCain appeared in a TV ad Thursday night in which he congratulated Obama on his nomination.
And this will mean that Gingrich or some other Republican will get the nomination.
John McCain won his party's nomination despite the opposition of a large chunk of his party.
ECONOMIST: America's particularities will survive George Bush