White House aides privately hoped the new NATO assessment would call for so many troops to invade--perhaps up to 150, 000 in Kosovo alone--that it would scare off ground-war advocates.
The second followed a similar pattern at first, with Robson twice going a break up, before the Thai finally found her rhythm off the ground and reeled off four straight games.
"You run through a field and the paraglider wing catches the wind, it fills with air, blows you off the ground, you switch on the motor and off you go, you're flying, " he said.
At the time they planned to construct a nationwide WiMax network. (See: "Clearwire Buddies Up With Sprint") Sprint and Clearwire couldn't get the deal off the ground, though, and called the whole thing off in November.
At the time they planned to construct a nationwide WiMax network. (See: "Clearwire Buddies Up With Sprint") Sprint and Clearwire couldn't get the deal off the ground, though, and called the whole thing off four months later in November.
At the time they planned to construct a nationwide WiMax network. (See: "Clearwire Buddies Up With Sprint") Sprint (nyse: S - news - people ) and Clearwire (nasdaq: CLWR - news - people ) couldn't get the deal off the ground, though, and called the whole thing off in November.
At the time they planned to construct a nationwide WiMax network. (See: "Clearwire Buddies Up With Sprint") Sprint (nyse: S - news - people ) and Clearwire (nasdaq: CLWR - news - people ) couldn't get the deal off the ground, though, and called the whole thing off four months later in November.
It takes capital to get a new business off the ground or expand an old one.
FORBES: Dial 9-9-9: The Most Exciting Policy Proposal Of The Presidential Election Campaign
Getting your own company off the ground and running is quite the challenge for any entrepreneur.
FORBES: Entrepreneurial Spotlight On...Hillary Gadsby Of A Gadsby Affair
Gamera I's first flight in May 2011 lifted off the ground for about four seconds.
WSJ: Flight of Fancy: The Sky's the Limit for Team That Rises to the Occasion
The stovetop, too, can be raised or lowered to just three feet off the ground.
While getting that carrier off the ground, Ornstein still kept an eye on his earlier airline.
After all, that priority really got our space program off the ground from its inception.
FORBES: Does The United States Still Care About Space Leadership?
What will get these solutions off the ground is private investment from individuals and corporations.
Even before the tablet market gets off the ground, worries have surfaced about a glut.
FORBES: ARM Holdings Shares Tumble On Worries Over Non-Apple Tablets
The pair's radars work by constantly bouncing microwave pulses off the ground and sea surface.
One of Boeing's most anticipated new aircraft can't seem to get off the ground.
There, interested investors and buyers help innovators get their products off the ground with funding.
Previous efforts to give the District a representative have never got off the ground.
Carlos Tevez saw it, jumped off the ground, he's the one who left both feet.
BBC: Wigan boss Roberto Martinez fined over referee comments
And Republican political opponents, he said, kept many significant immigration measures from getting off the ground.
Florida-based economics professor and running enthusiast, Markl spent years getting Kourage off the ground.
Some government help would almost certainly be needed to get a universal bank off the ground.
They just need a little help securing the financing they need to get off the ground.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Opening Doors for Small Business
But now the European Commission, which is overseeing Galileo, says it may never get off the ground.
But even with teachers, getting a Chinese-language program off the ground at a high school is difficult.
The house never got off the ground, but the ideas led to Gehry's surreal, titanium-clad Bilbao design.
Whether, like a 5-year-old, he makes them stop every few feet to pick something off the ground.
It performs a feat equal to a supersonic jet's circling the globe six inches off the ground.
Most didn't get off the ground because of design issues, fabrication problems or a lack of funding.
WSJ: Flight of Fancy: The Sky's the Limit for Team That Rises to the Occasion