Excellent article for making mention of the sacrosanct status of the (implied) H1B and offshoring.
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Such organizations ignore 20 percent or more of the total cost for offshoring, he said.
It is not just relatively low skilled call-centre jobs that now appear vulnerable to offshoring.
It also solves, entirely and at a stroke, that offshoring of profits by US corporations.
The big players are embracing offshoring more wholeheartedly than smaller financial institutions, according to Deloitte.
The benefits of outsourcing and offshoring are clearly waning for a growing number of American businesses.
Mr Blinder then offers advice as to what western governments can do about offshoring.
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The authors reckon the surge in offshoring since the mid-1990s has created 100, 000 extra jobs.
ECONOMIST: New evidence shows that the gains outweigh the losses
Offshoring does create losers, most obviously those whose jobs disappear when business operations are shunted abroad.
ECONOMIST: New evidence shows that the gains outweigh the losses
In the face of continued high unemployment, outsourcing and offshoring have become potent issues with U.S. voters.
Two San Diego entrepreneurs have come up with a very literal twist on offshoring software development jobs.
These policies are aimed at driving laws to protect jobs and reduce offshoring by 20 percent through 2016.
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He owned and ran a call center outfit in Orem, Utah, when the offshoring trend caught his attention.
Computer programmers, engineers, and accountants are just some of the professionals who have lost their jobs to offshoring.
In practice, the hysteria died down, even as the benefits of offshoring were being questioned more and more.
Pursuit of maximizing shareholder value at Boeing led to offshoring that has caused massive damage to shareholder value.
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Another worry about offshoring, and globalisation more generally, is that it bears down on wages in developed economies.
ECONOMIST: New evidence shows that the gains outweigh the losses
So why are all these people complaining about those factories and that offshoring?
Among the relatively small number of companies who tried offshoring their entire software development operation, failure was widely reported.
Issues with transfer pricing, offshoring of intellectual property, and the like would persist.
The topic is radical change that will occur as a result of offshoring.
The headphone manufacturing industry has suffered in recent years due to a decrease in consumer spending and fast-paced offshoring.
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Some domestic jobs have certainly been discarded as a result: in 2005 offshoring accounted for 3.5% of job losses.
ECONOMIST: New evidence shows that the gains outweigh the losses
For Boeing, as for many companies, offshoring has been seen as a handy way to cut costs and accelerate development.
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The union has called on Capita to withdraw its offshoring plans and for the firm's clients to veto the plans.
India has caused less contention in the States lately--offshoring of high tech appears to have died down as an issue.
In the offshoring era, with people in countries like Jamaica and India answering such calls, that happens a lot less.
The surprise: Some of India's offshoring giants are offshoring themselves, fueling the next round, and U.S. firms are joining in.
The report finds no such impact in manufacturing but in the services sector offshoring has lowered average wages a bit.
ECONOMIST: New evidence shows that the gains outweigh the losses
If Britain is to retain its edge in business services, its companies will need to do more rather than less offshoring.