Kirven and Antonio have had a long-term relationship with COCA, teaching young dancers at least once a year.
But you can only be reminded of how awful fruitcake is once a year.
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There are 15% of such parents who only see their children once a year.
BBC: Many elderly isolated from far-away family, charity says
Y. headquarters once a year, on the winter day the latest set of cards comes out.
Once a year, during a 12-hour-long day, employees put their specific skills to use at non-profits.
The Cratchits are able to enjoy their Christmas precisely because Christmas only comes once a year.
Recent changes in federal law allow 529 assets to be moved around--but just once a year.
Once a year Saylor takes all employees on an ocean cruise -- no spouses invited.
His brother, Roger, visits the beach once a year, like a tropical storm that changes everything.
Once a year, on Guy Fawkes Day, it tossed the "worthless" canvases into a bonfire.
Once a year, the Internal Revenue Service would calculate the Brandeis ratio of the previous year.
He should give flowers to his loved one every week, not just once a year.
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Prior to the film, Hemingway only saw her sister Joan Hemingway about once a year.
The Germans have produced a legally binding corporate-governance code, to be reviewed once a year.
And once a year, the pair enjoy a night's stay at an exclusive hotel.
Under federal law you can reallocate within a single 529 plan just once a year.
Every time I go to Buenos Aires, which is about once a year, one thing never fails.
During the past decade, Congress has raised the debt limit 10 times, on average once a year.
Rates are paid once a year to the parish authority and go towards the parish's general expenses.
Traditionally, the State of the Union speech is delivered once a year to both houses of Congress.
In their ideal world, everyone over the age of 15 would volunteer for testing once a year.
It's a good idea to review the reports from all three agencies at least once a year.
They would not only have a vigil, you know, once a year, but they would put flyers everywhere.
In contrast, dividends generally change only once a year and reflect the genuine business outlook of a company.
Once a year the museum stages a Militia Day, with musket firings, fife-and-drum marches and a mock battle.
Can you believe that we only get together as a group once a year for a holiday lunch?
Former Airbus pilot John Wiley said on average every airliner is hit by a strike once a year.
MORI, a polling group, 45% of people go at least once a year, compared to 31% in 2000.
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But they do not breed more than once a year - so it is a long term exercise.
Once a year the company sends out ballots that have the names of 50 local charities selected by an employee-led committee.