Even at this point, each member state has to write regulations or pass laws implementing the decision.
The alternative reform would pass laws limiting the amount of money that can be spent on speech.
Part of the problem is that the Assembly often fails to get the two-thirds quorum necessary to pass laws.
We think of people who pass laws or command armies, run big businesses, people with fancy titles, big salaries.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Addresses Young African Women Leaders | The White House
After all, the objective is not simply for Governments to pass laws, but to ensure that those laws are implemented.
The couples successfully lobbied in their home states of Ohio and New York to pass laws mandating defibrillators in schools.
CNN: Cardiac-arrest victims' parents push for school defibrillators
Many cash-strapped states are now keen to pass laws that would change this a move Amazon is loudly and unsurprisingly opposing.
On the contrary, if people respond deterministically to their environment, all the more reason to pass laws and hold violators accountable.
Arizona officials say they should be able to pass laws to stop illegal immigrants and other noncitizens from getting on their voting rolls.
We're going to pass laws that help people be able to join unions and bargain collectively for good wages and fair benefits again.
CNN: Clinton's November 19, 2007, speech on economic challenges
Finally, we need support from national governments to create legislation and pass laws that protect women and ensure them better treatment under the law.
FORBES: A Breakthrough Initiative to Advance Women and the World
Now, two large studies suggest that communities that pass laws to curb secondhand smoke get a big payoff -- a drop in heart attacks.
CNN: Big drop in heart attacks after smoking bans, studies say
Other constitutional changes expand the official use of the Albanian language and set a minimum of minority votes needed to pass laws in parliament.
Both houses of Congress are expected to pass laws that tweak the way the FDA monitors the safety of new medicines after they are approved.
The Knesset's efforts to pass laws that would curb the Court's now unlimited powers are simply attempts to place minimal legal checks on judicial power.
Fortress has lobbied legislators in Connecticut and other states to pass laws to protect policyholders' rights to sell to investors and other matters relevant to investor-owners.
Card proponents argue that like any technology, smart cards can be used for good or ill, and society could pass laws enhancing security and preventing abuse.
When governments pass laws mandating wages that are greater than the value of what Helen Housekeeper can produce, it is no longer advantageous to employ Helen.
In essence, states could not pass laws that created taxes on or restrictions to residents of other states or create benefits not available to residents of other states.
FORBES: North Carolina's Threat To Tesla Likely Unconstitutional
"State governments can't simply pass laws to rewrite private agreements and divert private money to their own coffers, " NCAA chief legal officer Donald Remy said in a statement.
WSJ: Heard on the Field: Champions League: Advantage Goes to Milan
In America states have been scrambling to pass laws covering driverless cars, which have been operating in a legal grey area as the technology runs ahead of legislation.
Today, by contrast, individual countries may pass laws like the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act but the overarching strategy that drives anticorruption must be multi-national in the truest sense.
The label has been proposed in the House before, and several states have tried to pass laws that make it illegal for retailers to sell violent games to minors.
FORBES: Video Games are Now Cigarettes with New Proposed Taxes, Labels and Restrictions
Under the terms of the Act, the Scottish Parliament is able to pass laws on issues such as health, education, transport, justice, enterprise, culture, social justice, public services and the environment.
The U.S. Government has been very noisy of late telling businesses what they should be doing about cybersecurity and asking Congress to pass laws forcing companies to take certain security steps.
It is also unappealing to pass laws telling adults that they are not allowed to volunteer to do overtime, even if they want the extra money and their companies would welcome it.
My fretting over all of this is not to suggest that we should pass laws to limit what food makers can say, as long as what they say and do is hygienically sound.
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination commemorates events on 21 March 1960, in Sharpeville, South Africa, when police opened fire and killed young students peacefully demonstrating against the apartheid "pass laws".