To pass the time, she wrote a book, a biography of her Iranian grandmother.
They fight for respect, for food and snacks, or simply to pass the time.
FORBES: The Failure of the American Prison System is a Failure of Justice
Taking care of his modest Spanish-style bungalow is one way for him to pass the time.
The millions of videos on websites like YouTube are, for most of us, an amusing way to pass the time.
To pass the time, he planned to hunt for jobs online, update his curriculum vitae and freshen up his social profile.
WSJ: Danish Job-Seekers Sit in Storefront Window to Find Work, Draw Employers' Attention
They picked up a newspaper one day early in their careers to pass the time, found the puzzle and tried to solve it.
Tamalpais in Marin County -- just on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge -- a seemingly adult way to pass the time.
In North Carolina, strangers standing next to each other played games to pass the time, quizzing each other on their knowledge of the amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
CNN: Voting-line camaraderie reflects 'we' spirit, expert says
But the political class today, typified by Stephen Harper, seems to operate under the delusion that culture is just entertainment, something to pass the time after the day's work is done.
But the public, uninterested that Mr Plimpton might have a serious motive for his jaunts, took the view that he was simply a moneyed idiot looking for ways to pass the time.
In lockdown, he made somewhat futile attempts to pass the time, copying the full text of the Bible (it took one year, nine months and two days), and pacing for 18 hours a day.
Burma Shave signs pass the time on the way to Seligman, a funny little town that greets travellers with retro motels, loads of gift shops, a road-kill cafe and a squirt of fake mustard.
To pass the time on one of his visits Miss Bailey's father recalled that as a child she had shown a prodigious talent sketching the animals in the farm attached to their Shropshire home.
In addition, brain rest is recommended following a concussion, so reading, watching movies and playing video games -- things you might normally do to pass the time on a plane -- may make things worse.
We'll have more impressions for you once we take our two new toys for a longer spin, but for now you can pass the time by checking out the loaded gallery below, complete with the all important Flipstart vs.
ENGADGET: Hands-on with Vulcan's Flipstart handheld PC Hands-on
He is running low on all his stores and has very little fuel left, so that listening to the radio or making telephone calls to pass the time is not an option during the long hot days at sea.
Often sitting in a studio in the dark for long stretches of time, they exchange personal stories and jokes to pass the time, and as a consequence, learn a great deal about each other in a short amount of time.
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Created by brothers Zac and Seth Longaker after working for their family wholesale plumbing company to help pass the time and make a few bucks, the idea for Oddball was sparked by a personal dilemma that the brothers knew many others shared.
FORBES: You Know What They Say About Big Feet? Oddball Brothers Have The Answer
But the high court may well take a pass the second time.
FORBES: Obamacare Opponents: Don't Get Hopes Up Over Supreme Court Order To Revisit Case
They "explain how team spirit, reacting to victories and defeats, making the right pass at the right time etc, can be used in the business world, " a Grenoble school spokeswoman said.
The Senator was also quick to suppress any expectation that a waiver of the law could pass the Congress any time soon, but commended the Director-General for her engagement on Capitol Hill, explaining that the Congress needs to be fully aware of the consequences, as American influence abroad is also suffering.
The Dutchman took a pass first time on the edge of the box, then turned instantly to send a right-foot shot crashing off the bar.
BBC: SPORT | Football | Europe | Manchester United 2-1 Benfica
That the suicide rate among those who work at the Foxconn factories was lower than the suicide rate in the general Chinese population did seem to pass many by at the time.
For such a particle, it is possible to work out its velocity (from the time taken to pass between the two layers) and its trajectory (from the relative positions of the elements triggered in each sensor layer).
And he accused David Cameron and Theresa May of "playing politics" with policing and trying to "take the credit for tough and correct action taken by the police while at the same time trying to pass the buck for any criticisms back to them".
BBC: Riots: Police defend handling of crisis after criticism
In return, they demand that the Democratic-controlled Senate pass a budget for the first time in four years, which would provide a platform for a detailed congressional debate on spending.
At some point next year, probably during the month of October, the world human population will pass the 6 billion mark for the first time.