They instructed him that the perennially money-losing company would not pay for suites at five-star European hotels.
Waiting alongside the train tracks as the perennially late locomotive rumbles into hearing distance long before it arrives.
Primary elections unquestionably offer a way of calming the perennially troubled waters of Italian politics.
ECONOMIST: Italy takes a wobbly step towards two-party politics
Perennially sprinkled around the CES show floor are televisions, computers, home appliances, cameras and other gizmos.
Now 83, she was perennially dissatisfied when he got less than an A in school.
Pernetti viewed Rice as the man who could turn the perennially underachieving program around.
These schools are perennially cash-strapped, mainly because they are burdened with onerous administrative overhead.
FORBES: Apple Goes By The Book, Will Work With Big Textbook Publishers
The same system is used to dispense coins, which are perennially in short supply.
Two years ago, Honda rolled out a new version of its perennially strong selling Civic.
FORBES: The Do-Over Car Trend: Can Consumers Forgive And Forget?
Governors of both parties endorsed education, a perennially popular issue with voters, especially soccer moms.
The slo-mo frames, the two-handed shooting and even the perennially startled doves are all there.
It is a confusing marketplace of shiny new products that makes me feel anxious and perennially out-of-touch.
He's arguing that such amenities are what perennially put the state near the top of livability lists.
Scandinavian countries, which perennially rank among the least corrupt in the corruption index, had the fewest unpaid tickets.
In South Asia, for example, climate change is likely to bring more water to a perennially thirsty region.
India remains perennially energy starved despite 15% or more of federal funds being allocated to the power sector.
Constantly at her side, of course, was George Hamilton, the perennially tanned former Hollywood star and longtime Imelda pal.
Pernetti, who hired Rice in 2010, viewed him as the man who could turn the perennially underachieving program around.
In Asia, only South Korea's perennially cheap Kospi is cheaper, at 9.2 times.
This basic problem is ongoing, while gold, perennially, is a press to mine.
Microsoft is perennially late on new product intros whether smart phones or tablets.
The SEC, on the other hand, has tremendous knowledge of mutual fund practices and regulation yet perennially fails to act.
FORBES: The Great Mutual Fund Clean Up That Almost Happened (April 4, 2004 )
Although slender, horizontal sailor stripes are perennially popular, this season, Ms. Etro favors a wider stripe about 2 inches, she estimates.
So foreigners have perennially bought Treasurys with the resulting dollars they earn, and they now own about 50% of them.
FORBES: Is The U.S. Economy Turning Japanese? Gary Shilling's View
California had been the only state to require supermajorities for both taxes and budgets, thus all but assuring perennially late budgets.
While the teams perennially destroy the competition within their respective leagues, when paired up against each another, the winner is unclear.
Beleaguered Republicans should create a badly needed preelection initiative with one of their perennially winning issues, taxes: They should index capital gains to inflation.
It was the best-selling model in 2012 but Toyota's Corolla had perennially been the best-selling car over the ten years before that.
CNN: 'Japan Inc.' on the brink: Weak yen a lost opportunity?
And the company is perennially endeavoring to boost its global market share past the 3% mark, where it has hovered for years.
For one thing, as long as the window remains open, they expect issuers to continue to push through perennially popular dividend-related loans.