The young woman waiting in the arrivals hall looks anxious, her small mouth pinched and unsmiling.
Today, Americans--not just those who are financially pinched--are obsessed with getting a good deal.
One such place is England, where fee increases have stark consequences for the pinched Treasury.
Obama used the word entrepreneur once, and the word seemed pinched coming out of his mouth.
German price indexes are actually negative, which is sort of like the country's windpipe being pinched.
Public transport is dearer and more crowded than it was, and household incomes more pinched.
ECONOMIST: More people are riding bikes, but cycling is stuck in a niche
It also seems to have pinched the script, with mighty empires battling for supremacy.
Obama is revealing himself to be more like a Woodrow Wilson or Jimmy Carter, pinched and self-righteous.
Yet Shakespeare, by investing, rose from pinched beginnings as a glovemaker's son to become a prosperous man.
It will provide certainty and security to families who are already being pinched because of the economy.
But its growth since demonstrates the readiness of Americans, even with pinched wallets, to buy nutritional foods.
FORBES: Panera And Chipotle Profit As Americans Develop Distaste For Home Cooking
Consumers may well be feeling pinched from high gas prices, rising interest rates and a cooling housing market.
Retail is among the most damaged sectors in the current downturn, as pinched customers stay away from stores.
Under her skillful fingers, the dumplings came together at lightning speed, with perfectly pinched tops, like tiny purses.
World champion Valentino Rossi remained upright throughout, and pinched second place on the grid with his last lap.
Self-storage landlords were pinched by drops in demand during the recent recession but remained stable with few defaults.
We were close enough to see the sunken face, heavily stubbled, pinched in around the mouth, jaw sagging.
Pinched between the Andes ranges and sitting 2, 600m above sea level, Bogota is unexpectedly one of the world's great biking cities.
She reached under the cover and pinched El Lobo hard on his arm.
Staying in what experts call the "forward head posture" can lead to muscle strain, disc herniations and pinched nerves.
The interconnectedness of the Transatlantic market means that when a European bank is pinched, a bank in the U.S. flinches.
"Consumer spending slowed since the last report as incomes were pinched by rising energy and food prices, " the report said.
He did this literally by looking in the mirror while pinching himself in the places demons pinched him at night.
Ken Westin will help you find your stolen BlackBerry--and give you an opportunity to mess with the thief who pinched it.
Both sides finished the campaign on 37 points, but Connacht pinched 10th place courtesy of their six victories to Glasgow's five.
Among the girl's injuries there was also damage to her nose which suggested it had been pinched by a clasp or clip.
But that's often what happens, and therefore producer margins can get pinched.
Their pinched and grimaced faces say a lot about age and regret.
FORBES: David Bowie Turns 66, Releases First New Song in A Decade, Album to Follow in March
Savers who staked their wellbeing on the credit markets took the risk of getting pinched by low interest rates in a lackluster economy.
That doesn't mean that individual folks weren't being pinched by higher heating prices or what have you, but on average prices went down.
WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH