Occam, the priestly mathematician, said when in doubt the simplest answer is the right one.
The distance was at least 64 feet from the priestly Brahmin caste and 30 feet from artisans.
Tom Priestly did the spiffy cinematography, and the production designer was Roger Fortune.
There are also tensions between traditionalists and reformers over issues including priestly celibacy, gay rights and the role of women.
BBC: Chimney fitted on Sistine Chapel roof for pope election
Jesuits, unlike other priestly orders, are not simply members of the order.
Like any priestly caste, Eurocrats display a streak of authoritarianism and obscurantism.
Again, the attractive theology (that priests give their lives completely to God and their flocks) is undermined by the figures for priestly vocations.
Some priests are now living in open rebellion with church teaching, calling for a rethink on everything from homosexuality to women's ordination to priestly celibacy.
Many believe that the rule's introduction had more to do with the church's desire to hold on to property than with concerns about priestly virtue.
Unlike Franklin, Priestly names a witness: Franklin's son, William.
Where the pope may run into difficulty is with the substantial number of liberal Catholics who long to see the Vatican take a more liberal line on matters such as contraception and priestly celibacy.
The team also applied their method to the Pentateuch, and were able to verify the general scholarly classification of those books into Priestly and non-Priestly sources with over 90% agreement with the current scholarly consensus.
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"The Diocese of Salisbury is immensely fortunate to have as its new bishop someone of such breadth and depth in his priestly ministry, and the Church of England will be better for having Nick Holtam in the House of Bishops, " she added.
Other activists said the resignation had to lead to more action to combat priestly abuse - an issue which has rocked churches in the US and other countries and which led to an unprecedented condemnation of paedophile priests by the Pope earlier this year.
Prior to being elevated to a cardinal by Pope John Paul II on 21 October 2003, when he became only the third Scot to reach the rank since the Reformation, he had expressed his openness to a debate on issues like priestly celibacy, women priests and contraception within the church.
Perhaps over their primo, or pasta course during Saturday's lunch, the two popes might discuss the big issues facing the church: the rise of secularism in the world, the drop in priestly vocations in Europe, the competition that the Catholic Church faces in Latin America and Africa from evangelical Pentecostal movements.
Obviously the vision was not "entire" in the sense that it answered every question, since it required subsequent inspirations to demonstrate to Escriva that there should be a women's branch to Opus Dei (that came in 1930) and that Opus Dei should also include a body of priests, the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross (1943).