This card includes complimentary airport lounge access and a discounted private car service among its benefits.
Howard's plans were ruined by the private car - the rise of which he didn't fully anticipate.
Connected to Dar es Salaam by a well-paved road, the park can be accessed by private car, bus or safari vehicle.
If you strip company cars out of the picture, private car mileage actually kept going up until 2007, albeit slowly.
Unlike private car parks open to the public, those run by local authorities had a proper appeals process, Mr Smith said.
Officials admitted the 400-space Havelock Street car park could not cope with demand, especially since a nearby private car park had temporarily closed.
Mr Smith's Consumer Protection (Private car Parks) Bill would see operators licensed by local authorities in a similar way to pubs or taxi drivers.
Ahead of the expected announcement of a ban on private car clamping, the Sun hails a victory by a motorist at Wembley in north London.
Planes cause at least twice as much pollution per passenger mile as a typical private car but the day when even gas-guzzling private cars will require carbon allowances is drawing closer.
On 30 November 2010, Henry Smith said the regime could be administered by councils, with private car park operators covering the cost of the scheme by paying an application fee.
Private car buyers receive 88 percent, or 17, 600 plates per month on average, while two percent are reserved for commercial use and the remaining 10 percent go to company and government institutions.
Today, the cold weather conditions and stunning vistas are a major drawcard for a number of private car clubs, who come from all over Europe to test both their cars and their driving skills in Arctic conditions.
Don't make the mistake we made with the car culture I would like to comment on one thing the questioner asked, because I was impressed that he is concerned that if everyone has a private car, air pollution will grow worse.
BBC: News | Monitoring | President Clinton on Shanghai radio phone-in
The proposals would also require councils to work with the owners and operators of private car parks - such as supermarkets and out of town shopping centres - to negotiate an agreement to make disabled parking places in these car parks enforceable.
He owned a private railroad car and Paris and New York houses.
Thames Valley Police said the dark coloured private hire car, which may have had the appearance of a normal car, could have then made a drop off in the early hours of Thursday.
This was spurred by growth in the small car and private sector markets, the SMMT reported.
World number one Woods has been subject to lurid press allegations about his private life following a car accident at his home in Florida last month.
Running a well-paid job to sustain a middle-class life incurred pressures that never eased: you needed a bigger house, a better car, private schools for your growing children and shop accounts for your wife so that she looked good when business clients had to be entertained at your home.
It has also been alleged that Mr Parsons used the council's chauffeur-driven car to attend private functions.
There were calls for the men to be transferred to a police car from their private vehicles.
After weeks of rest he was able to start physical rehabilitation, before finally driving an old Ferrari F1 car in a private test.
And with a 42.3% rise in the number of private buyers piling into the car market, it became clear that consumers had been taken in by the UK industry's savage price cuts during 2000.
Many couples have too much mortgage, too much debt, big car payments, and private school tuition that they really can't afford.
The NHS has lost the contract to run some ambulance services in Cornwall, Somerset and parts of Devon to a private company best known for operating car parks.
That's why many top-tier villas come with phalanxes of personnel and also offer private transport -- via luxury car, boat or helicopter -- to zip guests anyplace they desire.
Please note that Wembley Stadium is a public transport destination and fans are advised not to travel by private cars as there are limited car parking facilities at the stadium.
The car would be a rolling private room as opposed to the rolling public office of a commuter train.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Self-driving cars FTW, but not for everybody