It is not an easy task to tease a national psyche out of a landscape, a geological fact.
There is something in the American psyche that enjoys and wants to make stuff.
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If this liturgy of weather preparedness is part of the Oklahoma psyche, so, unfortunately, is devastation.
Warm winters also strike at the Alaskan psyche, shaped in large part by brutal cold.
France is a country whose mythology of "national identity" is deeply entrenched in the collective psyche.
The myths, traumas, and heroics forming the Lankan psyche are deeply rooted in its ethnic divide.
Psyche has shown its designs in Paris already, and is now preparing its third collection.
We had a long conversation about the markets and the psyche of the rich.
The fear of a violent conquest of their country is deeply engrained in the English psyche.
Fans of his books paid tribute to the indelible mark they left on the readers' psyche.
Evil is a superficial manifestation of a deep disturbance and imbalance in our collective psyche.
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Even, it may be (to dip presumptuously into the candidate's psyche), from his father's impelling shadow.
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The psyche is fragile so when bombarded with negative messages day after day, it believes them.
Cell phones, however, were well-coded in the popular psyche by the time the iPhone came out.
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But as the Internet takes over the popular psyche, domain names are blossoming--and running out.
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Downtown Chicago, rainy and dark to match the national psyche, was lightly trafficked.
Society must also reflect on what war can do to the psyche of survivors.
Hence his belief that tracing changes in post-war cartoons would offer insight into the modern Japanese psyche.
Routinely, issues of seemingly logical importance make their way into your psyche during the most crucial times.
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The fundamental shifts that are rocking the American psyche have created a sort of dull, numbing trauma.
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The desire for an outside nanny to enforce good behaviour is deep-seated in the Italian national psyche.
That ambivalence has been a part of American history, and part of the American psyche, since the beginning.
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Can the division between the two contending sides, which is also a division within our psyche, be healed?
If you try to run too far, or too fast, you could injure yourself or damage your psyche.
Industry-specific recessions or other events creating short-term setbacks are easier on the psyche and occur more frequently.
Sorry to say, but the Clintons, Lewinskys, Starrs, Goldbergs et al. left no indelible mark on my psyche.
Jung saw himself as an empirical scientist whose sole professional interest lay in the workings of the psyche.
The effect of Sadat's visit on the Israeli psyche generally and on Begin's mindset in particular was profound.
Given how ingrained the mortgage interest deduction is in the American psyche, I doubt that one will go.
How is that affecting people's psyche really as they're struggling to get in to deal with this first one?