Carnival's best protection against ravenous tax collectors is the ease with which it could decamp.
Indeed, Glencore's rise will be strongly felt in Asia, which has demonstrated ravenous demand for commodities.
Added to her own two boys, that meant eight ravenous teens raiding the fridge every day.
By midway through the reign of Elizabeth I, England had acquired a ravenous appetite for wood.
China's 1.4 billion people are rapidly urbanising and ravenous for all the goods they couldn't have a generation ago.
Consumers proved ravenous, spurring Hertz to add more posh models in more locales.
If I'm ravenous heading into "Die Hard XX, " I'll visit the concession stand and ask for hot buttered popcorn.
Institutional investors have ravenous demand for index puts, since they offer cheap protection against a market crash, Mr. Parker says.
The public is ravenous for details about the next consoles, and neither Microsoft nor Sony will even admit they exist.
Ravenous and forgetful, I ate what they gave me, no matter what.
Economic collapse earlier this year quenched Russia's formerly ravenous appetite for bananas.
Desserts are traditional and designed to satisfy the most ravenous sweet tooth.
At times, mothers produce little or no milk for 11 ravenous offspring.
While Son's appetite for growth is ravenous, even by Silicon Valley standards, Softbank's three big U.S. acquisitions are cash cows, not chancy startups.
Economic collapse earlier this year quenched Russia's ravenous appetite for bananas.
They will help meet the ravenous needs of China's hectic urbanisation.
ECONOMIST: A tug of war between commercial logic and popular sentiment
We sip our tea and produce an early supper for our brood who, after the initial excitement of departure has died down, are too tired and ravenous to wait.
The front half of the car is brutally ventilated with multiple air scoops to feed the ravenous supercharger and to cool the engine, brakes and transmission heat exchanger.
WSJ: 2013 Jaguar XKR-S Review: A Genteel Tourer Goes Rough-and-Ready | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil
Dive shops in Florida and the Caribbean are asking clients to record where they find these ravenous consumers of native fish, and are encouraging divers to go spear fishing for them.
BBC: Hunting possums �C and ecological balance �C in New Zealand
This is clearly a problem today as more and more of us turn to our mobile devices to satisfy our ravenous appetites for instantaneous connectivity and high-speed wireless data transfers.
FORBES: What Do The Titanic And Your Smartphone Have In Common?
But to placate revenue-ravenous governors and mayors who see the Internet as simply a grand sales-tax dodge, Congress set up a 19-member commission to examine whether and how to tax commerce on the Internet.
Such is the ravenous hunger of the funds that dominate the stock market to solicit the brainiest kids before they can go onto become microbiologists, professors of medicine, musicians Rhodes Scholars, or neuro-scientists.
FORBES: Hedge Funds Try To Buy Harvard Junior Phi Beta Kappas
Of course all the activity is going to make one ravenous, and since they hope men will account for about 50 percent of their clients, the Lopises decided to forgo traditional spa cuisine in the Lodge's restaurant, Tree.
To put it another way, governments set up a system that in effect treated bankers as naughty children or ravenous puppies who could not be trusted not to eat too much of the dangerously fattening stuff - and regulators were to be the health conscious parents.
By listing some of Wal-Mart's ever-multiplying faults, you have at least performed two valuable services: reminding those of us with a conscience why we never shop there and reminding your non-American readers that America's growing discontent with Wal-Mart indicates that they are not quite the ravenous consumer zombies of popular belief.