They began with awareness campaigns and a raft of online ads in 2011 to reactivate their critical mass of supporters.
The wildfire season will continue for a few more months, and the governor will reactivate the fire ban if needed.
Otherwise, Chiquita sends bananas to several distribution centers, where they are stored in "ripening rooms" designed to reactivate the ripening process.
Maybe the part of the brain that manages metaphor switches off under a certain temperature and takes a while to reactivate?
But they also note that the steps taken so far to reactivate the plant have been half-hearted, signaling it may be more of a negotiating ploy.
Furthermore, you need to reactivate in iTunes every time you change SIMs -- if you put in a different SIM, you get an "Incorrect SIM" message.
One scheme is to reactivate the wealth tax that has been lying dormant (but not repealed) since the Constitutional Court objected to it a few years ago.
With that intelligence, marketers can run personalized email campaigns to reactivate their customer base, target audience based on interest segments on Facebook or run creative photo upload campaigns on Instagram.
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Then just after 1pm I received the first email below telling me that I had recently cancelled my New York Times but that I could call and reactivate for a 50% discount.
FORBES: 8 Million New York Times Subscribers Get Cancelled By Mistake
The United States denies it has any plans to attack North Korea, consistently saying it is seeking a diplomatic and political solution to the increasing tensions sparked by Pyongyang's decision to reactivate its nuclear program.
Currently the ship is over 200 miles south-west of the Seychelles and about 20 miles from Alphonse Island, are ongoing checks on the state of the engine room to be able to restart the equipment necessary to reactivate the functionality of ship.
FORBES: Fire Breaks Out on Costa Cruise Ship, Vessel Adrift in Indian Ocean
If it had cause for concern about the age of any user - whether it thought they might be older or younger than claimed - it said it would suspend the suspect account and only reactivate it after seeing official government identification.
DirecTV sends out such signals about twice a month, but according to The Carmel Group's Sean Badding, intrepid pirates can effectively block ECMs using devices called emulators, or if that fails, reactivate a "burned" card using a "card strip box" that connects to a personal computer.