Sewage rises in rank pools from broken pipes, rubbish is piling up in repulsive, fetid heaps.
Kuhn's aggressive melancholy and fanaticism are compelling to watch, although physically, she's been made to appear repulsive.
The response has been widely discussed on social networking websites, with some criticising the "fairly repulsive" remarks.
For me, a great portrait is something that combines the familiar with the unfamiliar something seductive but also repulsive.
The man's ex-wives, children and grandchildren and their spouses and ex-spouses are a Gothic gallery of repulsive rogues and ne'er-do-wells.
Part of what makes dogfighting so repulsive is the understanding that violence and injury cannot be removed from the sport.
But for a Texas homeowner, an impromptu anti-snake solution -- set that repulsive reptile on fire -- came back to bite.
As the images grew more repulsive and violent I couldn't help but watch the screen less and the little girl more.
He condemned theft from war memorials as "repulsive" and said work was being done with police chiefs to tackle the problem.
Some people find the smell of tobacco repulsive, but its decline as a habit stems of course from the health risks involved.
We find a smell heavenly or repulsive, or we shrug our shoulders.
Yet the lawsuits have been quite responsible, aimed at men accused of particularly repulsive deeds, without any obvious damage to peace processes.
"The video is a repulsive attempt to use satire to make Israel's case on Flotilla debacle, " Didi Remez of the Coteret blog said.
BBC: Israel apologises for spoof video mocking Gaza flotilla
They ogled, groped and otherwise acted in such a repulsive manner that my male colleague felt compelled to apologize on behalf of his gender.
The autopsy video he showed next, of a man being sliced open and relieved of a thick layer of fat, was even more electrifying and repulsive.
How many people in the viewing audience will find this repulsive?
After a meeting with the Republican congressman who chairs the panel overseeing the congressional page program, Hastert said the messages Foley sent were vile and repulsive.
The idea of turning waste water into drinking water may see repulsive to some, but experts say it's already being done elsewhere on a smaller scale.
Salomon Schulman, a key figure in Sweden's Jewish community, told Swedish television that the art was "repulsive in the extreme", according to news website The Local.
The film has caused a storm of protest in the US, with the editor of the respected trade journal, The Hollywood Reporter, calling it "morally repulsive".
Salomon Schulman, a key figure in Sweden's Jewish community, told Swedish television that Von Hausswolff's painting was "repulsive in the extreme", according to news website The Local.
They are reform junkies reforming society, the economy, culture and even individuals whose personal behavior they find repulsive or not quite up to snuff by their own personal standards.
Yet the author, rather than actively promoting repulsive regimes, took his cue, with a regrettable lack of critical acumen, from widespread prejudices in European opinion at the time.
Richard Schweid, an American journalist living in Barcelona, expounds on this tough, repulsive creature in a delightfully literate little volume, The Cockroach Papers: A Compendium of History and Lore.
And dark energy may turn out to be almost the mirror opposite of gravity - a repulsive rather than an attractive force, and one that strengthens with distance rather than weakening.
We have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever for offences of this nature - which, whatever their degree of seriousness, we find repulsive - neither do we believe that they should be hushed up.
This observation led to the theory that some mysterious, gravitationally repulsive dark energy must be behind the rising expansion of the cosmos - although we don't really have the foggiest idea what that is.
The underlying premise here is that male geeks are so unattractive, indeed so collectively repulsive, that there is a 50% gap between what they will find attractive and the attractiveness standards of any given other human being.
FORBES: #1reasonwhy: Geek Gender Meltdowns Happen Regularly, Still Bad For Business