Senate Republicans are on the verge of a full-scale revolt against the White House.
In France, a peasant named Jacques led a revolt against the authorities in the 14th century.
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" He added, "It will almost certainly lead to a merchant revolt against the card networks.
Susan was in full revolt against her own father, a very conservative Christian minister.
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The prime minister survived, yet Egypt slid into a nationalist revolt against de facto British rule.
His grandfather was an Ovimbundu chief who led a revolt against the Portuguese in 1902.
Ozawa led a 1993 revolt against his own party and spent several years in opposition.
Thousands of former BA staff are in revolt against cuts in the future value of their pensions.
Napoleon's intention was not to occupy Russia or overthrow Alexander by stirring a domestic revolt against him.
In 1156, William of Sicily crushed a revolt against his rule, defeating the Byzantine fleet at Brindisi.
It makes you wonder whether the eurocrats fear a mass revolt against the new coins and paper money.
It was the Liberal leader, of course, who first called for a peoples' revolt against the carbon tax.
Even the populist politician Geert Wilders and his revolt against the Dutch establishment have done nothing to change this.
Indeed, Romanticism was explicitly and decidedly a revolt against reason, a rejection of the empirical presumption of the Enlightenment.
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Pressure is gathering for another public relations revolt against the social networking giant.
The founder soon quit, leaving Herbig in charge of a company that was in open revolt against its new owners.
Downton Abbey is what George Gilder would call the entropic disruption to the background noise of revolt against the old world.
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These days they look dominant in the populous south, where pyramid losses were biggest and the revolt against Mr Berisha most widespread.
It was held by William of Orange (1533-1584), who led the revolt against the Spanish that resulted in the creation of the Netherlands.
Now some doctors seem ready to revolt against the resulting hair-trigger safety environment--even as the debate about Vioxx and drugs like it rages on.
While not wanting to leave the EU, he might welcome a Tory-led revolt against deeper integration, and cheer the derailing of the Lisbon treaty.
The USA was founded through a popular revolt against foreign rule.
The treaty marked peace between King John and the barons, who were in revolt against him, and set out the principles of freedom under the law.
Lawrence (or, as he is better known, Lawrence of Arabia) led the revolt against the Ottoman Army occupying Arabia near the end of the First World War.
Today, Romney cheerleader and former Bush White House Chief of Staff John Sununu is lambasting Gingrich in New Hampshire for leading a House Republican revolt against that budget deal.
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But Mr Speight's uprising was also a revolt against Fiji's paramount chiefs, who have continued to dominate the country's government despite the move away from their former rural fiefs.
The 1920-22 Irish revolt against the English, reimagined by the social realist Ken Loach as an awkwardly violent and sombre old poem made without the usual Irish flourishes of wildness or lyricism.
To convey his plans for revolt against the Persian king, one Greek plotter wrote his message on the shaved head of his messenger, and then waited for the hair to grow back.
In other words, Keynes was anti-Victorian long before he was an economist, which strongly suggests that it was something other than economics which caused him to revolt against the generation of his elders.
Whereas modern Judaism celebrates the Jewish revolt against the Hellenised dynasty that ruled the Levant, Mr Abulafia prefers to focus on Alexandria, where there was a more productive symbiosis between Hellene and Hebrew.