What usually confers the right to rule in such countries is election by the people.
To say a ruler is legitimate is to say that he has a recognised right to rule.
While Indonesia's right to rule in Irian is not contested by the United Nations, as in the case of East Timor, the country's own political scientists have warned for some years of the risk of Balkanization should the imbalances between eastern and western Indonesia not be addressed.
Under the law, CADE has the right not to rule on the case until the end of the trial.
Under this reasoning, the calm, resolute Mr Abhisit was right to defy mob rule and the demand for the dissolution of parliament, and wait to unveil an orderly, slow electoral timetable.
Though winning their right to self-rule in the zone set up after the Gulf war of 1991, the Kurds had to compromise too.
Aceh enjoyed a long period as an independent sultanate until it was occupied by the Dutch in 1871, and even then it continued to fight against colonial rule right up to the second world war.
Nadal's not quite right to call the rule a disaster, at least not yet.
He said that the UK is the "only country in the world which uses this rule and prevents important prosecutions" and the IPCC is right to say that "this rule must go".
He prefers to do so with parties of the centre, or even the right, rather than try to rule with a minority leftist coalition dependent on the votes of the Arab parties.
Executive Director Anthony Romero said the legal exception applies only when there is a continued threat to public safety and is "not an open-ended exception" to the Miranda rule, which guarantees the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney.
The challenge, as Mara pointed out, is finding the right language to institute that kind of rule.
Nor is it to rule out the right of an individual artist to negotiate a resale agreement when he sells a painting: the royalties a publisher pays to an author are the product of just such a private contract, not a law.
Lord Woolf underlined how he had said plans to deny people a right to appeal to the courts in immigration cases was an "overt challenge to the rule of law".
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Ex-chief justice's legal aid fear
Although it may be hard to rouse conservatives to action right now since they don't know how the court will rule, it's better to be ready than not.
But the Associated Press thinks that the court will rule against Quon and the right to privacy when it comes to racy text messages at work.
FORBES: The Supreme Court talks about an employee's right to private sexting
But, in the other case before it, the Court would also rule that Californians have the right to make their own decision about marriage and that the federal courts below it were wrong to invalidate Proposition 8.
FORBES: The Supreme Court Should Leave How We Marry To The States
Four days earlier, BSH Home Appliances, which manufacturers Thermador products, filed a complaint for a declaratory judgment in U.S. District Court in Massachusetts, asking the court to rule that it has the right to use that material.
FORBES: Julia Child Foundation Embroiled In Lawsuits About Oven Ads
"Last year, thousands of Libyans sacrificed their lives or suffered lasting injury in order to win the right of the Libyan people to build a new state founded on human dignity and the rule of law, " Ban said in a statement Sunday.
One major exception applies to that rule: In order to ensure those who participate are doing so for the right reasons, taxpayers already under criminal investigation or facing charges for tax evasion are usually ineligible to participate in most programs.
The three percent budget deficit rule for admission was the right way to go.
In 2011, the Department of Health and Human Services put forward a proposed Rule that would give patients the right to get their test results directly from laboratories.
FORBES: Think You Should Have Direct Access To Your Lab Results? Sign A Consensus Letter
Inscribed on the International UNESCO Memory of the World Register since 2009, the Charter established the right to free and fair trial, limits upon taxation, and the subjection of all citizens to the rule of law, amongst other fundamental constitutional principles that today are almost universally applied worldwide.
UNESCO: UK celebrates the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta
They are the Right to Roam Act which gives the public more access to the countryside, and the 20-day standstill rule which prevents sheep being moved for that period after they have been sold.
What is surprising is how little respect global warming skeptics have for the rule of law, due process and the right to self-defense?
FORBES: The Greatest Hoax in History: Eliot Spitzer, Climategate and the Art of the Email Con
Skittish of taxes under the royal rule, the Founding Fathers nonetheless granted the right to the federal government to impose taxes under the Constitution.
Both the centre-left Labour party and the centre-right VVD party won a sufficient number of votes between themselves to rule with a majority in the lower houses of parliament.
BBC: Netherlands election analysis: Dutch show faith in Europe
But Solicitor General Paul Clement wrote in a brief to the Supreme Court that while the amendment preserved an individual right, he believed the appeals court had been wrong categorically to rule DC's handgun ban unconstitutional.
Third, the Supreme Court is to rule next year on whether the federal government has the right to control carbon-dioxide emissions under the Clean Air Act.
The new proposed constitution recognizes the pre-colonial right of the indigenous people to their territory, to autonomy and to self-rule.